William Williams | Page 2 | Tomorrow's World

William Williams

Footprints of Jesus

Though it seems incredible, some people today doubt that Jesus Christ ever existed despite His impact on history. Was Christ even a real person? How could you prove it?

Guarding Your Tongue Against Evil

“Sticks and stones may break my bones, but words will never hurt me” was a common comeback when I was in grade school, but the truth is that words really can do great harm. Children generally aimed this singsong ditty at bullies, and while it is good to rise above petty insults and vindictive criticism, it’s also important to watch our own words. Actually, those are often what hurt us the most!

The “Global South” vs. the Liberal West

The “Global South” vs. the Liberal West

Many are familiar with the tremendous impact of professing Christian evangelism in spreading the Bible and Judeo-Christian values around the globe. Such efforts have influenced developing cultures for over four centuries. Many missionaries and other religious workers even died bringing their message to non-Western societies. However, today’s evangelists and missionaries from developing countries now rebuke and express disappointment in the Western “mother countries” that are drifting ever further from the Bible.

Whose Birthday is It?

Come December 25, someone gets a birthday party! But it isn’t who most people think, as they prepare once again to celebrate Christmas. Along with Easter, Christmas is one of the most recognized holidays on the calendar. Professing Christians worldwide look to its various traditions for warmth, comfort, and inspiration. But, did the first Christians actually celebrate it? Was a Jesus Christ birthday festival—no matter the date—based upon true Christian belief?

The Festival Season is Here

Summer, one of my favorite seasons, is over in the Northern Hemisphere. It’s hot and humid here in the American South, but everything about the summertime—family trips, Fourth of July celebrations, and even the weather—is a wellspring of memories for me.

One of my greatest joys was one many kids in the North American school system shared. That was the “release” from school and a few months to enjoy that “freedom” with warmth and enthusiasm! I fondly recall many summer experiences from playing outdoors with friends.
