Telecasts | Tomorrow's World


The Seven Laws of Success Part 1

  • Gerald E. Weston

Do you realize that there are living laws at work all around us? Laws that govern health, happiness and even success. When properly practiced, these laws lead to lasting fulfillment, but when broken, they lead...


Humanity’s Moral Meltdown

  • Gerald E. Weston

Belief in God and morality in the West has deteriorated.   Many see the Ten Commandments as obsolete.  Sex outside of marriage, and homosexual relationships are becoming more and more accepted.  But is all of...


Is the Rapture Coming Soon?

  • Rod King (1949-2019)

Is it possible that you or your loved ones could be raptured tonight? Many millions of people on this earth believe this to be true, but is it?  You need to know what the truth is about Christ’s return and to...


Prayers and Promises

  • Richard F. Ames

Have you ever claimed God’s promises in prayer?  We all have needs: physical, social, educational and spiritual.  And God knows our every need.  But do we rely on our Creator to fulfil our needs?  How can we...


The Biblical Holy Days - Part 2

  • Gerald E. Weston

One prophetic theme throughout the Bible is found in the seven annual festivals given to Israel. Christians who observe them today understand that these Holy Days foreshadow future events. Learn what they show...


The Case against Modern Christianity

  • Wallace G. Smith

If He returned to earth and looked around, would Jesus Christ recognize modern Christianity?  What are the facts we should consider when we look at how most Christians today worship God?  How many pagan...


The Biblical Holy Days - Part 1

  • Gerald E. Weston

Why do most professing Christians forsake the observance of the Holy Days mentioned in their own Bible and substitute holidays that were never celebrated by Jesus Christ or His Apostles? Does it really matter...


More Important than the Game

  • Gerald E. Weston

Do you know the amazing and true Sandy Koufax World Series story?  His example should inspire us.  Sandy Koufax made a decision to not pitch on Yom Kippur, also known as the Day of Atonement.  What can we...


Secrets to Happiness

  • Gerald E. Weston

Why are so many in our modern world unable to find lasting happiness? Do you realize that there are causes for happiness as well as definable reasons why people are unhappy? Many seek happiness in material...


Sabbath or Sunday?

  • Richard F. Ames

Many professing Christians worship on Sunday. Some claim all days are holy. Others worship on Saturday. Does God want us to keep a particular day, holy? The Bible is actually very clear on this topic. You need...


Perish... the Thought

  • Gerald E. Weston

Wise individuals prepare for the future, yet many have not given any thought to what might occur after death and how they can prepare for a better future.  Have you made such plans?  The bible describes the...


After the End of the World

  • Wallace G. Smith

The world is coming apart.  Violence is increasing.  Peaceful political processes are deteriorating.  Despite our many advances as a culture, racism and economic injustices seem to be getting worse.  But the...

