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News and Prophecy

Preventing horrendous crimes.

  1. 21st December 2012
  2. News and Prophecy Staff

On December 14, a 20-year old gunman shot his mother (the parent he lived with) and then gunned down the principal, five teachers, and twenty children (ages 5-10) at a local Connecticut elementary school (Associated Press, December 14, 2012; Good Morning America, December 14, 2012).


Approving immorality in Auckland.

  1. 19th December 2012
  2. News and Prophecy Staff

As New Zealand’s Parliament presses ahead to legalize same-sex marriage, the nation’s slide into immorality is also gaining momentum.  Recently, four independent commissioners cleared the way for the construction in the heart of Auckland of a fifteen-story entertainment complex containing a number of brothels (Steve Hopkins, “Central Auckland Super Brothel...


Impact of America’s drought.

  1. 17th December 2012
  2. News and Prophecy Staff

The drought that is ravaging over two-thirds of the U.S. is also taking its toll on the central artery of U.S. trade and commerce, the mighty Mississippi River. Sixty percent of all grain exported from the U.S. travels down the Mississippi (National Park Service), in addition to vast quantities of other products. By mid-December, water levels in some parts of...


Britain to “pare down” relationship with EU.

  1. 14th December 2012
  2. News and Prophecy Staff

In a recent speech, Boris Johnson, the Mayor of London, called for Britain to negotiate a new “pared down” relationship with the European Union.  He said that Britain should “remain in the single market but pull out of the political union” and consider forming an “‘outer-tier’ of the EU with countries like Norway and Switzerland” (BBC News, December 4, 2012).


EU aims to erase gender stereotypes.

  1. 12th December 2012
  2. News and Prophecy Staff

The European Parliament’s Committee on Women’s Rights and Gender Equality recently submitted a report calling for a ban on “Books which portray ‘traditional’ images of mothers caring for their children or fathers going out to work” (Mail Online, November 7, 2012).


Why is faith failing in the USA?

  1. 12th December 2012
  2. News and Prophecy Staff

Since 2005, Americans calling themselves “religious” dropped by almost 18 percent, while those claiming to be “atheist” rose from 1 percent to 5 percent (BBC Magazine, August 21, 2012).  Why?


Bacteria in pork raises concerns.

  1. 10th December 2012
  2. News and Prophecy Staff

Consumer Reports magazine recently tested pork from U.S. markets and farmers. In the study, “pork-chop and ground-pork samples from around the U.S. found that yersinia enterocolitica, a bacterium that can cause fever, diarrhea, and abdominal pain, was widespread. Some samples harbored other potentially harmful bacteria, including salmonella… Some of the bacteria...


Continuing conflict over Jerusalem.

  1. 07th December 2012
  2. News and Prophecy Staff

When the Chairman of the Palestinian Authority, Mahmoud Abbas, announced that the United Nations had upgraded the Palestinians to non-member observer status he asserted, “One day, a young Palestinian will raise the Palestinian flag over Jerusalem, the eternal capital of the state of Palestine” (, December 2, 2012).


Adultery tarnishes men of valor.

  1. 03rd December 2012
  2. News and Prophecy Staff

Many were stunned when the highly respected U.S. General David Petraeus abruptly resigned as CIA Director, due to an extramarital affair.  The general was considered an exceptional battlefield tactician during the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan where his leadership was praised both on and off the field.  His decision to commit adultery after 37 years of marriage...


A Modern Pharaoh?

  1. 30th November 2012
  2. News and Prophecy Staff

Egypt’s democratically elected, but Islamic Brotherhood-backed president, Mohammad Mursi, has brought about drastic changes since his election.  He “has issued a declaration banning challenges to his decrees, laws, and decisions” (BBC, November 22, 2012).  He has also declared that “no court can dissolve the constituent assembly, which is drawing up a new...

