Wallace G. Smith | Page 7 | Tomorrow's World

Wallace G. Smith

How the Bible Built Western Civilization

Why is Western Civilization falling apart? With law, order, peace, and civil respect becoming more difficult to practice, let's look at the democratic principles that should stabilize a nation—concepts originating from the Bible—that are disappearing as our society continues turning away from God.

[The text below represents an edited transcript of this Tomorrow’s World program.]

The Fall of the West?

In many ways, Western Civilization seems to be experiencing its death throes!

Its most respected institutions of government are increasingly mocked, its values are now up for grabs, and its citizenry, in some nations, seem absolutely dedicated to taking their country into civil war. And in our intertwined, global society, what happens to the West will inevitably impact the entire world.

How did we find ourselves on the precipice of such chaos and self-destruction?

To answer that question, we first need to understand a key element in the birth of Western Civilization to begin with, because you can’t understand what is happening to the West until you understand its changing relationship to the word of God, the Bible.

Join us right now on Tomorrow’s World as we look at “How the Bible Built Western Civilization.”

Biblical Foundations of a Culture

Greetings, and welcome to Tomorrow’s World—where we make sense of your world through the pages of the Bible.

Today, we’re going to examine what’s going on in Western Civilization from a point of view than you will see in most analyses.

Our program is broadcast all over the world, and citizens of many nations, small and great, tune in to Tomorrow’s World to find real answers to the most important questions of life. And these days, many people all over the world are asking themselves, “What is happening to Western Civilization?”

In some of the very democracies and republics that have been considered models of lawful, orderly, peaceful government, scenes of disorder, lawlessness, and conflict have become common sights in our newsfeeds and cable broadcasts.

To be sure, it wasn’t always like this.

While many great civilizations have existed throughout history, in many ways, Western Civilization has created the modern world in which we live.

Now I don’t say this as universal praise. The history of Western Civilization is a spotty record, to be sure. The same nations and cultures that have given the world many gifts that are enjoyed by so many today have also been sources of conflict, subjugation, and warfare. Many nations that were once colonies of Western nations may find that they benefit from their association with Western culture and civilization, but that doesn’t mean they always did so. And many of the West’s accomplishments were financed in part by the wealth and resources it obtained from OTHER nations.

So, please don’t take today’s program as universal praise for Western Civilization.

Only one civilization in all past or future history will be blameless—and we’ll mention THAT civilization at the very end of our program.

However, too many today fall into the trap of criticizing the West as if its culture and civilization has been nothing but a blight on the world since its birth in Europe and its spread across the world.

While virtue signaling to one’s enlightened peers by sneering at the West is extremely fashionable today, it is also ill informed and, frankly, ironic. Because often the very values the critics of the West apply in their critique are values that were disseminated into the world BY Western Civilization!

Rather, the West has, historically, been a wellspring of advances in culture, civil government, science, technology, economic production, and human liberty and freedom that have shaped the modern world in which we live. Think of what music would be today without the gifts of Bach, Mozart, Handel, Chopin, or Beethoven. Or imagine a world that has never experienced the art of Michelangelo, Monet, or Rembrandt.

The Industrial Revolution that brought advancements in production in Great Britain, Europe, and the United States eventually helped to raise the standard of living for millions upon millions of people all across the globe. Scientific discoveries and technological innovations that began in the West have transformed our understanding of the world and virtually every aspect of our day to day lives. And principles of personal liberty, limited government, individual rights, and the rule of law—born in the West and found amongst the words of the Magna Carta, the Articles of the U.S. Constitution, and the enduring legacy of English common law—those have been an inspiration for governments and peoples around the world who long for freedom and rights of their own.

Where did those values truly originate?

Some will point to the spirit of the Enlightenment or the so-called “Age of Reason” in 17th and 18th century Europe. Many today like to point to how the “founding fathers” of many nations of the West studied the cultures of Greece and Rome, and to be sure, those influences are real. But they aren’t sufficient to explain the growth and enormous influence of the West in global history.

What is often ignored concerning the origins of Western Civilization is the influence of THE BIBLE. That time-honored collection of writings of the ancient Hebrews and first-century Christians is the one book without which THERE WOULD BE NO Western Civilization.

Now that may be hard for some to swallow, but it’s true, and understanding that fact provides insight not only into the success of the West, but also into its current decline into madness.

A System of Law and Equity

We said that the central source of Western Civilization—of far more importance than the ancient Greeks or Romans, or the ideas of the so-called Enlightenment, though they had their influence—was the BIBLE.

And in this segment, we’ll illustrate why that claim is true.

Now, before I do, I need to make plain that no part of Western Civilization has truly conformed itself to the WHOLE of the Bible, and those portions of its ancient wisdom the West HAS adopted, it has often grasped half-heartedly.

The major religions of Europe that claimed the name “Christianity” have been, throughout their history, mixtures of biblical and heathen elements, with more connections to the ancient Babylonian mystery religions than many of their priests, pastors, or preachers would care to admit. In fact, many of the powerful of Europe and the West through the centuries have often taken the words of the Bible and twisted them to support their own abominations and abuses.

Yet, Western Civilization as we know it would not exist without the Bible. And however imperfectly its teachings have been used and mishandled, the most significant and beneficial values and principles of Western culture have their origins within its God-breathed pages.

There are too many such values to mention them all, but let’s look at just a small sampling.

Popular historian Paul Johnson once noted in the pages of the Wall Street Journal that the concept of “the rule of law” in Western culture—the idea that no human being, no matter how powerful or wealthy, is above the law—was “the greatest public achievement of the second millennium” (“Laying Down the Law,” Wall Street Journal, March 10, 1999).

And it is the Bible that provided the West with its most significant basis for “the rule of law.”

For instance, Deuteronomy 17, verses 18–20, highlight how kings are not above their people, and how they, too, must obey the law. Passages such as Leviticus 19:15 say that rich and poor must be treated equally under the law, and Leviticus 24:22 says that both foreigners and native-born citizens must BOTH live under the same laws.

And when the law is broken, the West has a deep tradition of ensuring punishment is FAIR and BALANCED. We see that value reflected in Chapter 14 of the Magna Carta or in the U.S. Bill of Rights’ prohibition against “cruel and unusual punishment.” Again, we see the genesis of this value in Scripture and its regulation of punishment:

… you shall give life for life, eye for eye, tooth for tooth, hand for hand, foot for foot, burn for burn, wound for wound, stripe for stripe (Exodus 21:23–25).

Modern commentators try to characterize this statement as cruel, but legal historians have recognized it for what it really is: A condemnation of the idea that kings and authorities can impose whatever punishment they want, no matter how cruel, but, instead, must guarantee that punishment is fair and just, fitting the crime.

Yet, the Bible’s influence on Western culture extends far beyond legal foundations.

In a world where human life was often considered cheap, the Bible taught early philosophers and reformers in Europe that human beings had a special dignity, placed in them by no less an authority than God, their Creator.

We see this in Genesis 1:26–27.

Then God said, “Let Us make man in Our image, according to Our likeness; let them have dominion over the fish of the sea, over the birds of the air, and over the cattle, over all the earth and over every creeping thing that creeps on the earth.” So God created man in His own image; in the image of God He created him; male and female He created them.

Consider, too, the sciences.

Many point to Western scientific advancements and the scientific method of empirical experimentation as a key to the West’s rise in the world. Yet when you study those who MADE those advancements, even in the beginning of the Enlightenment, it was belief in the law-giving God of the Bible, who designed the world of His own free will, that stirred those scientists to study the Creation and expect to find order in it.

As Isaac Newton, a passionate student of the Bible, once wrote:

This most beautiful System of the Sun, Planets, and Comets, could only proceed from the counsel and dominion of an intelligent and powerful being…. This Being governs all things, not as the soul of the world, but as Lord over all… (“General Scholium,” isaac-newton.org).

Newton was not alone in this, and Western science owes its existence to the belief of early Western scientists in an orderly, lawful Creator of nature, as described by the Bible.

The stability in the West of monogamous marriages—of one man and one woman rearing children together—was influenced by the New Testament commands concerning marriage and family. And it was the teachings of the Bible concerning mercy toward widows, orphans, and those in need that spurred the development of charitable organizations in the West that blossomed into orphanages, hospitals, and institutions designed to care for the elderly, the hungry, and the homeless.

Truly, the Bible makes its presence felt in virtually every area of Western Civilization’s foundations.

The Underpinnings of a Moral Society

But the fashion today is to DENY the Bible’s role in Western culture and understanding.

For example, the late Christopher Hitchens, famous for his militant atheism, boldly declared in the title of one of his most popular books God Is Not Great: How Religion Poisons Everything.

Author David Bentley Hart demolishes this pretentious claim in his book Atheist Delusions, where he examines Western Civilization and addresses Hitchens’ claim that somehow religious beliefs, like those of the Bible, have poisoned “everything,” writing,

Does he [that is, Hitchens] really mean precisely everything? Would that apply, then—confining ourselves just to things Christian—to ancient and medieval hospitals, leper asylums, orphanages, almshouses, and hostels? To the golden rule, “Love thine enemies,” “Judge not lest ye be judged,” prophetic admonitions against oppressing the poor, and commands to feed and clothe and comfort those in need? … Surely it cannot be the case that, if only purged of the toxin of faith, these things would be even better than they are; were it not for faith, it seems fairly obvious, most of them would have no existence at all (Hart, David Bentley, Atheist Delusions, Yale University Press, 2009. pp. 219–220).

Yet, the spirit of Hitchens’ conclusion is increasingly common in the West.

And, frankly, there has long been a tension between the recognition that Western values originate in Scripture and the desire to base society on something OTHER than Scripture—on some sort of secular basis that can be open to all beliefs, not valuing any one set of beliefs over another. As a result, some see the best means of EXPANDING freedom is severing the ties between the culture’s values and the Bible, completely.

For example, in debate on the floor of the U.S. Congress in February 2021, Florida Representative Greg Steube read from Deuteronomy 22 as part of his defense that women’s sports should be reserved for biological women and against the idea that individuals can simply choose their own sexual gender identity.

The Judiciary Chairman Jerry Nadler responded plainly, “Mr. Steube, what any religious tradition ascribes as God’s will is no concern of this Congress” (“Rep. Jerry Nadler: ‘What Any Religious Tradition Ascribes as God’s Will is No Concern of This Congress,’CNSNews.com, March 1, 2021).

Of course, many were outraged by the statement in the United States, and understandably so.

Yet, do we want our civil governments imposing their own interpretations of the Bible on us? On the other hand, if God’s will no longer plays any part in the values and morals we maintain, then on what basis do those values and morals have any real authority in our culture at all? What will be the results of a society that tries to found its values on something OTHER than God’s authority and sovereignty?

Frankly, we are beginning to experience those results today.

Instead of marriages being understood as God’s binding of one man and one woman, now marriages are treated as mere contractual arrangements between ANY two persons, to be made or broken at will, with families suffering as a result.

In fact, even God’s design of “male” and “female” is being essentially outlawed in many Western jurisdictions, as women are forced to share bathrooms and bathing spaces with biological men who identify as women, and young girls in sports competitions are being crushed by biological males with physical advantages no woman will ever match.

Without the adamant and transcendent standard of the Bible, we are lost in a sea of chaos in which every man’s opinion is as good as any other—and our halls of government and the streets of our cities are increasingly filled with the angry voices of people who are determined that THEIR opinion will rule the day.

What is the result of trying to run Western Civilization according to the vestiges of values from the Bible but WITHOUT the Bible’s divine authority? A world that corresponds very closely to that described by the Apostle Paul to the young evangelist Timothy. We see that description in 2 Timothy 3, beginning in verse 1:

But know this, that in the last days perilous times will come: For men will be lovers of themselves, lovers of money, boasters, proud, blasphemers, disobedient to parents, unthankful, unholy, unloving, unforgiving, slanderers, without self-control, brutal, despisers of good, traitors, headstrong, haughty, lovers of pleasure rather than lovers of God, having a form of godliness but denying its power… (2 Timothy 3:1–5).

If you don’t recognize our current world in Pauls’ description, you are blind and need to anoint your eyes.

Will Western Society Repent of Abandoning the Bible?

So, what can Western Civilization do?

In our global society and economy, what impacts the West impacts the entire world.

How can the West reverse course and pull itself back from the brink of self-destruction?

As my good friend and frequent Tomorrow’s World writer, Dexter Wakefield, likes to note: “The causes of society’s problems are spiritual. The results are social and political. The solutions are biblical.”

Building our civilization on ANYTHING LESS than a complete embrace of the Bible as God’s own revelation with divine authority over all aspects of life and society will always have the same eventual results: Moral chaos, social conflict, and civilizational collapse.

One of America’s founding fathers, John Adams, understood. Speaking in 1798 to militia members in Massachusetts, then-President Adams noted that if the United States were to begin to seem virtuous only on the surface while the character of the American people began to degrade, the U.S. would become, in his words, “the most miserable habitation in the world.” Why? He answers:

Because we have no government armed with power capable of contending with human passions unbridled by morality and religion. Avarice, ambition, revenge, or gallantry would break the strongest cords of our Constitution as a whale goes through a net.

Our Constitution was made only for a moral and religious people. It is wholly inadequate to the government of any other (“From John Adams to Massachusetts Militia, 11 October 1798,” Founders Online, Founders.archive.gov).

In fact, Bible prophecy speaks of a profound SPLIT that will come to Western Civilization when it does NOT repent of its half-hearted approach to biblical values—resulting in the fall and divine punishment of many nations of the West, specifically the British-descended nations of the world, and the rise of a dictatorship among the other nations that will eventually grip the entire world in its clutches.

The result of these developments will take the world to the brink of self-annihilation, as Jesus says, Himself, in Matthew 24:

For then there will be great tribulation, such as has not been since the beginning of the world until this time, no, nor ever shall be. And unless those days were shortened, no flesh would be saved; but for the elect’s sake those days will be shortened (Matthew 24:21–22).

Yes, thankfully, those days WILL be shortened. The world will be saved from itself and will begin its journey into the 1,000-year peace of Jesus Christ and the reign of His saints. That peace will not be brought about by a return to “Constitutional norms” of the values of the West, with its hybrid spirit of biblical values, heathen philosophies, and secular sentiments. Instead, Christ will teach the entire world to embrace the Bible as a whole—without reservation. Indeed, His teachings and the law of GOD, not man, will cover the earth as the waters cover the sea.

Of course, you don’t have to wait for Western Civilization to get its act together and begin embracing the book of books on which that future will be built. You can begin building YOUR life on that book TODAY.

Thank you so much for watching! All of us here at Tomorrow’s World work very hard to help you make sense of your world through the pages of the Bible.

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The End of Pax Americana

President Biden in black and white

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Lost in the Multiverse

Multiple Earths floating in space multiverse concept

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How the World Will End

Examine the major signs of the end of the world as we know it, straight from Bible prophecy, as outlined in this video. Some signs we have begun to see—full rejection of God and the Bible, unprecedented natural disasters and diseases, and a complete reordering of world powers—and other biblical signs are coming soon. What's next? Find out in this episode of Tomorrow's World.

[The text below represents an edited transcript of this Tomorrow’s World program.]

The Inevitable End

The crazy old guys in the cartoons that used to wear signs saying “The End Is Nigh” were right—the end of the world IS coming upon us! In fact, the Bible describes the end of the world IN DETAIL. Hollywood always gets it wrong—but we’re going to get it RIGHT. Join us RIGHT NOW on Tomorrow’s World as we reveal HOW THE WORLD WILL END!

Seven Signs of the End Times

The end of the world has occupied the fancies and fantasies of human beings for ages. Movies sometimes paint pictures of asteroids striking our world and wiping out all of humanity like the dinosaurs of old, or else send earth off in a blaze of glory as the militaries of the world duke it out with aliens from afar—or zombies, or intelligent machines, or whatever else is in vogue at the time. In early 2022, director Roland Emmerich, always looking for a new way to destroy the world, smashed the moon into us. Even our science programming has gotten into the act, with quasi-documentaries detailing how our vulnerable planet could be wiped out by climate change, disrupted by a passing black hole, or eventually eaten by our swollen sun.

But none of these things are going to happen—at least not exactly.

Let me be clear: When we speak of “the end of the world,” we’re not talking about the end of the planet. God says through King Solomon in Ecclesiastes,

One generation passes away, and another generation comes; But the earth abides forever (Ecclesiastes 1:4).

No, God has plans for this planet, as the Bible reveals.

Rather, we are speaking of the END OF THE WORLD AS WE KNOW IT. The end of our world’s civilizations, societies, economies, institutions, and systems; the end of this age in which we now live, and the destruction of everything we consider familiar. THAT is what we mean by “the end of the world.”

And today, we will discuss seven ingredients to the end of the world—some of which are happening in the world right now before our very eyes.

The first element of the world’s end we’ll discuss would surprise most of our Hollywood and scientific doomsday planners, since it is something that rarely shows up on their radar. It isn’t an asteroid or a physical threat, at all. It is entirely SPIRITUAL.

The first ingredient of the end of the world is RAMPANT WORLDWIDE IMMORALITY AND GODLESSNESS.

Ultimately, any civilization stands or falls in connection to its relationship with its Creator. And the beginning of the end of the world lies in an utter abandonment of that relationship.

We read of the conditions that result from that rampant immorality and godlessness in the Apostle Paul’s second letter to Timothy. In 2 Timothy 3, starting in verse 1, we read:

But know this, that in the last days perilous times will come: For men will be lovers of themselves, lovers of money, boasters, proud, blasphemers, disobedient to parents, unthankful, unholy, unloving, unforgiving, slanderers, without self-control, brutal, despisers of good, traitors, headstrong, haughty, lovers of pleasure rather than lovers of God, having a form of godliness but denying its power (2 Timothy 3:1–5).

In Matthew 24:12, Jesus Christ described this element of the world’s end, as well, saying, “And because lawlessness will abound, the love of many will grow cold.”

This “lawlessness” is not just an abandoning of, say, traffic laws, or tax laws, but a pervasive spirit of casting aside the laws of God. And, frankly, we see that growing today, don’t we? The morality and guidelines of the Bible are increasingly cast aside as archaic and out-of-date—even as the world grows all the colder, crueler, and more loveless for it.

It is this moral and spiritual dimension of the end of the world that enables all the others. Yet, for all of our worries concerning the environment, or nuclear war, or health regulations, it is our devotion to God that goes neglected. And it is our lack of devotion to God that will initiate the end of the world.

Global Consequences for Moral Collapse

The next ingredient to the world’s end is UNPRECEDENTED PESTILENCE, FAMINE, AND NATURAL DISASTERS.

Of course, we live with these concerns in our lives today. Pestilence, or disease, has plagued mankind from its earliest days, and the nightmarish years of COVID-19—both the disease itself and our governments’ fumbling attempts to deal with it—will not be soon forgotten. Famine has long ravaged various populations of the earth, sometimes due to weather or soil conditions, but also due to human cruelty or incompetence—such as the forced starvation of Ukrainians by the Soviet government in the early 1930s that killed millions. And natural disasters are ever with us. The day I began working on this program, my wife and I were at a friend’s house when news alerts warned us of a potential tornado, causing us to quickly consider where we might take shelter.

But the diseases, famines, and natural disasters coming at the end of the world will be unlike anything humanity has ever seen. Jesus Christ predicted these events in His famous Olivet Prophecy, as we see in Matthew 24, beginning in verse 7:

For nation will rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom. And there will be famines, pestilences, and earthquakes in various places. All these are the beginning of sorrows (Matthew 24:7–8).

We see His words reflected in the vision He gave His servant John in the book of Revelation. There, in chapter 6, John describes the third and fourth of the famous Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse—the rider on the black horse, with scales in his hand, picturing devastating famine, and the rider on the sickly, pale horse, whose name was Death, picturing unrelenting disease. Revelation 6:8 tells us that these Four Horsemen, together, have an almost unbelievable impact on humanity:

And power was given to them over a fourth of the earth, to kill with sword, with hunger, with death, and by the beasts of the earth (Revelation 6:8).

If the population of the earth is around 8 billion people by that time, then Christ inspired John to write that these forces would kill around TWO BILLION PEOPLE—one-fourth of mankind. We are talking about devastation on an unimaginable scale.

As the end of the world advances, we will see another ingredient added to the mix: THE COMPLETE REORDERING OF GLOBAL POWER.

For now, most would agree that the United States maintains a grip on its position as the most powerful nation in the world—though that grip is increasingly tenuous. Great Britain remains a relatively strong ally to the U.S., as does Canada. Europe struggles to remain united to fulfill its leaders’ visions of greatness, China strives to dominate its region and seize superpower status, as Russia pursues plans of its own. Meanwhile the Middle East remains a fractured collection of individual states, often sharing common enemies, but not always a common purpose.

Yet the end of the world will see all of these power relationships reorganized and reordered into something far different.

Daniel 11 speaks of a King of the North, which represents a powerful and united European entity—one we will come to again later—and a King of the South—a unified bloc of nations in the Middle East and North Africa. Verse 44 of Daniel 11 points us to a power bloc east of these, and the book of Revelation describes this eastern power as possessing an UNIMAGINABLY vast army of 200 MILLION men, as well as weapons of mass destruction.

The conflict between these end-time powerhouses is said in Revelation 9:18 to be responsible for killing ONE-THIRD of mankind—a toll no war has ever taken throughout the annals of time.

What you DON’T see among the great powers at the end of the world are the United States or Great Britain and the nations that descended from her. Those nations will already have fallen—their cities devastated, and the survivors scattered among the nations as captives and servants, as described in Ezekiel 5:12:

One-third of you shall die of the pestilence, and be consumed with famine in your midst; and one-third shall fall by the sword all around you; and I will scatter another third to all the winds, and I will draw out a sword after them (Ezekiel 5:12).

My colleague Gerald Weston has covered this aspect of Ezekiel’s prophecy thoroughly in our program “Ezekiel’s Message Unlocked.” I encourage you to visit our website or YouTube channel, where you can view that powerful message and come to understand the fate of the United States, Great Britain, and English-speaking peoples of the world.

Yet, in all these rearranged political powers and alliances of the world, the end of the world will feature one particular power that will tower over all the others.

The Rise of a New Superpower, and World War on a Massive Scale

That is the fourth element we’ll examine today: WORLDWIDE DOMINANCE BY A NEW SUPERPOWER.

This superpower is the entity known in prophecy as the BEAST OF REVELATION. This political, economic, and military powerhouse will be headed by a singular individual, the Beast, and it will stand out amongst all others in that day in an astonishing way. We read a description of this man and the power he wields in Revelation 13. After describing the strange creature he saw in vision—providing details that help to IDENTIFY this entity in world history, past and future—John writes:

… all the world marveled and followed the beast. So they worshiped the dragon who gave authority to the beast; and they worshiped the beast, saying, “Who is like the beast? Who is able to make war with him?” (Revelation 13:3–4).

Now note: The whole world follows this Beast, and the military capacity of this entity is like none the world has ever seen.

You’ll notice that Revelation 13 said that the Beast was worshiped. This worship is enabled and enhanced by the next ingredient of our “end of the world” mixture: THE RISE OF AN ULTRA-POWERFUL FALSE CHRISTIANITY.

Later, in Revelation 13:11, we see in John’s vision a SECOND beast arising, different than the first beast:

Then I saw another beast coming up out of the earth, and he had two horns like a lamb and spoke like a dragon. And he exercises all the authority of the first beast in his presence, and causes the earth and those who dwell in it to worship the first beast, whose deadly wound was healed. He performs great signs, so that he even makes fire come down from heaven on the earth in the sight of men (Revelation 13:11–13).

This second beast looks like a lamb—that is, he APPEARS to be Christ-like. Yet John says it “spoke like a dragon”—that is, he teaches the subtle twisted truths of Satan the Devil. This False Prophet is the infamous Antichrist, foretold in numerous passages of the Bible. He will come working miracles and wonders and the false Christianity that he preaches will dominate world religions and provide support for the European Beast of Revelation. Together, these two will form an unholy alliance of Church and State and will persecute the small flock of true saints of Jesus Christ.

Suffice it to say for now that the actions they stir upon the earth lead humanity to the brink of utter destruction—to the potential destruction of ALL LIFE ON EARTH. As Jesus Christ Himself described this time,

And unless those days were shortened, NO FLESH would be saved; but for the elect’s sake those days will be shortened (Matthew 24:22).

Yet, those days WILL be shortened! They will be interrupted by the next element of the end of this world: DIVINE INTERVENTION DURING THE DAY OF THE LORD.

The sins of mankind will have reached their fullness, and God will declare that He has had ENOUGH! The announcement of the Almighty’s intervention in world affairs is described in Revelation 6, beginning in verse 12:

I looked when He opened the sixth seal, and behold, there was a great earthquake; and the sun became black as sackcloth of hair, and the moon became like blood. And the stars of heaven fell to the earth, as a fig tree drops its late figs when it is shaken by a mighty wind. Then the sky receded as a scroll when it is rolled up, and every mountain and island was moved out of its place. And the kings of the earth, the great men, the rich men, the commanders, the mighty men, every slave and every free man, hid themselves in the caves and in the rocks of the mountains, and said to the mountains and rocks, “Fall on us and hide us from the face of Him who sits on the throne and from the wrath of the Lamb! For the great day of His wrath has come, and who is able to stand?” (Revelation 6:12–17).

This begins a year-long period of divine intervention known as the Day of the Lord—when the powers of this earth learn where REAL power truly lies!

God’s Supreme Intervention and the Beginning of a New World

We’ve been through cataclysmic moral degradation; experienced unprecedented natural disasters; and witnessed the rearrangement of world powers. We’ve seen that one power will rise above the rest, and that this power, in conjunction with a false global religion claiming the name of Jesus Christ, will seek to destroy those who bear His name truly as they seek to worship Him in spirit AND in truth. And we’ve seen the Creator of All Things step into history to put the powers of the world in their place and to send His Son Jesus Christ back to earth to set things right.

And amidst the rubble of all that had gone before, we finally come to the last ingredient in the end of the world as we know it: THE ESTABLISHMENT OF A BRAND NEW WORLD to take its place!

Once Jesus Christ and His heavenly armies have rid the world of the Beast power, the Antichrist, and all the worldly forces who foolishly sought to oppose Him, He will send His angel to lock Satan the Devil away from mankind for 1,000 years.

Then, Revelation 20:4 tells us that, in his vision, the Apostle John saw

thrones, and they sat on them, and judgment was committed to them. Then I saw the souls of those who had been beheaded for their witness to Jesus and for the word of God, who had not worshiped the beast or his image, and had not received his mark on their foreheads or on their hands. And they lived and reigned with Christ for a thousand years (Revelation 20:4).

Yes, the resurrected martyrs, and ALL who have lived and died in Jesus Christ before His return will be resurrected, joining those who are alive at His return to rule by His side in power, glory, and majesty.

This period of 1,000 years will be a time when the Kingdom of God will reign on earth, beginning at Jerusalem and spreading over the entire earth, utterly replacing every element of the old world with the joys and glories of the new! The saints, together with Jesus Christ, will work to make this world what it SHOULD HAVE BEEN ALL ALONG: A place of beauty, peace, order, and love. The ultimate cause of that new world is described in Isaiah 11:9:

They shall not hurt nor destroy in all my holy mountain, For the earth shall be full of the knowledge of the LORD As the waters cover the sea” (Isaiah 11:9).

As the true knowledge of the way of God grows to cover the world over 1,000 years, the world as we have known it so far will truly have come to an end. And a brand NEW world will have begun—a world with joys and wonders that will last not just for a time, but for eternity.

Thank you for watching our program today. All of us here at Tomorrow’s World—the folks in the control room, the handsome guys here behind the camera—all work hard to help you understand your world through the pages of your Bible, and we appreciate your attention. If you’re interested in today’s offer, there should be a link there in the description below for you to be able to click on, and if you did enjoy the program please do click on subscribe. And, if you’d like to be notified, click on YouTube’s bell. Thank you very much!
