A Reflection on Driving | Tomorrow's World

A Reflection on Driving

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It is amazing how often life’s everyday endeavors can point us to the spiritual. There is much we can learn from the most mundane situations, if only we take time to stop and meditate on them.

One of the best-known signs on roads around the world is the stop sign. Obviously, when we reach one of these signs we must stop our vehicle immediately for a short time. Not just slow down, but completely come to a standstill. We then have time to look around and ensure that it is safe to proceed.

Accordingly, when we are confronted with a problem in our lives, God wants us to stop and think. When they were facing a great adversity—the Egyptians pursuing them—Moses told the ancient Israelites to “stand still” (or stop!) and see God work a miracle (Exodus 14:13). When they did so, God miraculously delivered them. Sometimes, in our personal lives, we need to stop and allow “emotional traffic” to pass. This gives precious time to think before making a decision, just as the stop sign gives us time to assess our surroundings before we again begin to drive.

Another commonly seen sign tells us to give way or yield. When we follow the sign’s instruction, we avoid the risk of serious accident. Additionally, when we are on the road, there are other times when we can pick and choose when and where we will give way or yield to other drivers who are indicating their desire to change lanes.

I know from personal experience how hard it can sometimes be to “let someone else in,” particularly if the other drivers seem to be pushing their way into your lane. However, once I do the kind thing and let someone in, the release of stress and tension is immediate and gratifying. Sometimes I even receive a friendly wave from the other driver, thanking me and acknowledging my generosity. This brings to mind Christ’s words, recorded by the Apostle Paul, that “it is more blessed to give than to receive” (Acts 20:35). Indeed, “giving way” to someone on the road demonstrates this principle to be true. Try it, and see how it works for you—both on and off the road!

Finally, there are those speed limit signs, about which we sometimes complain. “Those other drivers are always too slow!” some say, or “They slow me down too much! The people who set the speed limit don’t know what they’re doing!” Although many of us must admit that we do not always stick to the speed limit, we should reflect on what we are doing when we exceed it—or even just complain about it. Do we realize that road safety experts have spent hours, perhaps days, working out what the speed limits should be? On what basis can we claim the right or the expertise to question them?

Likewise, God has given us His laws and commandments as “spiritual speed limits” in our personal lives. Although many people who profess Christianity say that God’s laws and commandments are not imperative for them, Jesus Christ stressed the necessity of these “limits” in order for us to have life and show our love for Him (Matthew 17:19; John 14:15, 21). Consider: if questioning a simple point like a speed limit is ill-advised, how much more should we refrain from treating God’s laws—which guided the path of King David (Psalm 119:105)—as unnecessary and limiting?

Yes, God’s living laws are in effect all around us, as we can see in so many everyday things that we do—including driving. If we take the time to meditate on such things, we can begin to see the true God and His ways revealing themselves again and again in the world we inhabit.

If you would like to know more about God’s living laws, and how you can be on the right side of them, read our free booklet The Ten Commandments. You can download your own electronic copy, read online, or request a printed copy absolutely free of charge!

  Originally Published: 16th August 2012