Anarchy in Haiti | Tomorrow's World

Anarchy in Haiti

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In the first half of 2023, gangs in Haiti “killed at least 2,000 people and kidnapped more than 1,000,” according to the United Nations (The Guardian, 14 August 2023). Since the 2021 assassination of Haiti’s last president, anarchy has taken over as 150 rival gangs compete to control the nation’s capital. Murder, robbery, rape, and kidnappings are rampant, and the police are powerless against them. Human Rights Watch recently noted, “Urgent action is needed to address the extreme levels of violence and the palpable fear, hunger and sense of abandonment that so many Haitians experience today.”

With effectively no police force to protect them, citizens are turning to vigilante groups. The UN secretary general is expected to propose an international peacekeeping force for Haiti. Kenya recently offered to lead the taskforce, with the backing of the United States and Canada, and many have concluded that “international forces are now necessary to push back the gangs.”

The chaos in this small island nation corresponds well with Bible prophecies about conditions we will see more broadly as the end of this age advances. The Apostle Paul wrote, “In the last days perilous times will come: for men will be lovers of themselves… unloving… brutal, despisers of good” (2 Timothy 3:1–5). In a world lacking a common moral compass based on God’s word and strong leaders with integrity, lawlessness is skyrocketing. The only thing that will effectively fix the problem is the return of the Lawgiver—Jesus Christ. He will return to rule in love and mercy, but also with a “rod of iron” (Revelation 2:27). To learn how peace will come to this world, read or listen to “Global Utopia: An Impossible Dream?