AUKUS Opens to New Zealand | Tomorrow's World

AUKUS Opens to New Zealand

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The trilateral defense pact between Australia, the United Kingdom, and the United States was created to strengthen the defense situation in the South Pacific in response to the growing Chinese threat. The name of the defense pact, AUKUS—reflecting the three nations who created the agreement—communicates a sense that the organization is closed to outsiders. Not so. Antony Blinken, U.S. Secretary of State, recently indicated that New Zealand and other nations are also welcome to join the group (Deutsche Welle, July 27, 2023). New Zealand, however, must walk a fine line so as not to offend its major trade partner—China.

We should not be surprised when Australia, the UK, and the U.S. work together on matters as important as defense in the Pacific—nor that they would welcome the involvement of New Zealand. The Bible reveals that all of these nations are descended from two ancient brothers—Ephraim and Manasseh—who were grandsons of the biblical patriarch Jacob, whose name God changed to “Israel” (Genesis 35:10; 48:1–21). Unbeknownst to the leaders of these nations, their proclivity to work together mirrors their ancient heritage! Knowing the ancient, biblical identities of these countries adds insight concerning their actions now and in the past, as well as an understanding of their prophesied future. To learn more about the joint history and future of these nations, be sure to watch “Who Made Britain Great?