How Peace Will Come to Gaza? | Tomorrow's World

How Peace Will Come to Gaza?

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After a month of fighting, a cease-fire has been declared and negotiating has begun in Egypt between Israel and Hamas (, August 5, 2014). “With Israeli troops essentially finished destroying Hamas’s tunnels into Israel and having dealt Hamas’s military capacity a significant blow, senior Israeli officials said they were moving troops to defensive positions on both sides of the border” (New York Times, August 4, 2014). Prior to the Egypt-brokered cease-fire, world nations were calling for a stop to the carnage. The French foreign minister went so far as to demand “This is why we need a political solution… and which I believe should be imposed by the international community, because the two parties—despite countless efforts—have unfortunately shown themselves incapable of completing talks… imposition of a two-state solution and security for Israel—there is no other way” (Jerusalem Post, August 4, 2014). The French foreign minister’s comments reflect the growing sentiment among international bystanders. 

Bible prophecy indicates that there will likely be an international force that does impose some type of peace on the Holy Land. This European Beast power,  known as the “king of the north,” will apparently work a deal with the “king of the south” for a seven-year treaty that will be broken after 3.5 years (Daniel 9:27; Daniel 11). While France will probably not lead the action to “impose” peace on the Holy Land, the rhetoric of the French minister foreshadows a long-prophesied event.

For more details about coming events, read our booklet The Middle East in Prophecy.