Japan’s Radioactive Fish | Tomorrow's World

Japan’s Radioactive Fish

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It has been over a decade since the meltdown of Japan’s Fukushima nuclear reactor. Since then, water used to cool the hot nuclear reactor has been stored in massive storage ponds. Now, The Guardian reports that Japan is preparing to release over 1.3 million tonnes of radioactive water into the environment—a plan already approved by the UN’s International Atomic Energy Agency (July 23, 2023). However, some fish found near the Fukushima plant contain levels of radioactivity that are exponentially higher than those approved by the government.

As a reaction, Japanese seafood from the region is facing boycotts. About a month ago, “China began blanket radioactivity testing of Japanese seafood imports… leading some wholesalers to cease handling such produce from Japan.” A fish with high radioactive concentrations was found as far away as 50 kilometers from the plant. South Korea and some other Pacific island nations are also concerned by Japan’s pending release of contaminated waters. No one knows exactly how these waters will impact the ocean environment

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