Migrant Crisis Riles Europe | Tomorrow's World

Migrant Crisis Riles Europe

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The wave of immigrants surging into Europe is creating strains among EU member states. Germany’s urging to accept immigrants has spawned hostile reactions from her eastern European neighbors and received little support from France. In fact, “German and EU officials are warning that without a sharp drop in arrivals or a change of heart in other EU states… Germany could shut its doors, sparking wider crisis this spring” (Reuters, January 18, 2016). “Reports of the Cologne attacks have also renewed criticism of Chancellor Angela Merkel’s open-door policy on refugees and migrants... Thousands of Germans, particularly in Dusseldorf... have joined Facebook groups claiming to promote vigilante city patrols in response to the attacks” (Deutsche Welle, January 17, 2016). Czech President Milos Zeman stated that, “it was ‘practically impossible’ to integrate the Muslim community into European society” (The Guardian, January 17, 2016). He also commented, “I am profoundly convinced that we are facing an organized invasion and not a spontaneous movement of refugees” (The Guardian, December 26, 2015).

Bible prophecies have long foretold that a “southern kingdom” will push against or attack a “kingdom to the north”—and that will bring a violent reaction (Daniel 11:40-43) by the “northern kingdom,” described as a mixture of iron and clay—partly strong and partly weak (Daniel 2:31-45). The migrant crisis is testing the iron and clay mixture of the EU and may force Germany to use an iron hand. To learn more, read our article “Will Islam Transform Europe?