"Why America is falling behind the rest of the world" | Tomorrow's World

"Why America is falling behind the rest of the world"

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"Why America is Falling Behind the Rest of the World" is the title of a sobering new Time Magazine article (July 21, 2015). The article reviews twelve signs of the decline of America—the research findings of two faculty members at Brooklyn College and City University of New York. Their research illustrates that “Overall, America’s per capita wealth, health and education measures are mediocre for a highly industrialized nation. Well-being metrics, perceptions of corruption, quality and cost of basic services, are sliding, too. Healthcare and education spending are funding bloated administrations even while human outcomes sink, the authors say” (ibid.). Americans now view their leaders as “somewhat corrupt,” and “In a separate survey of American citizens, many said politicians don’t serve the majority’s interest, but are biased toward corporate lobbyists and the super-rich” (ibid.).

The authors concluded, “If America’s going to be great again, we’ve got to start fixing things” (ibid.)—something that Bible prophecies reveal will not occur until Christ returns to reign on the earth. As secular values and selfish ambitions have replaced biblical values, America and many other Israelite-descended nations continue their downward slide. The Bible has long predicted the “pride of their power” will be broken as God removes His blessings due to national disobedience at the end of the age (Leviticus 26:19). God also prophesied that misguided, self-serving secular and religious leaders will contribute to this societal decline (see Isaiah 3:12; Jeremiah 23; Ezekiel 34).

Modern research continues to validate Bible prophecies of events that will precede the return of Jesus Christ! For more on this exciting topic, read Armageddon and Beyond.