| Tomorrow's World

Gossip Evolved?

"Did you hear about so-and-so?" Ears perk up, heads turn and attention is grabbed when we hear those words. We know we are about to hear something private and scandalous about someone we know. Psychologists say gossip has evolutionary origins with our prehistoric ancestors and enabled cavemen, and even their supposed primate ancestors, to survive. What are the real facts about gossip?

Letters to the Editor

I truly enjoy your magazines, booklets, television program and Web site. My husband and I are in our 70s, and we know the seventh-day Sabbath is the true day of worship, and we honor that. I love all your literature, as I know it is the truth, and I check all the Bible passages in my King James Bible. Thank you again for your love in giving me all your information, as I love reading the truth of God’s word.

K. T., Atlantic, IA

Letters to the Editor

Thank you for the July-August 2013 magazine with the cover article, “Your Glorious Destiny Beyond Death.” I immediately sat down to read it because I disagree with the same-sex marriages, and I’m so appalled that others have changed their minds to agree with them. God bless you all. Keep up the good work for God. May He continually bless you all with strength, courage and health in doing His Work. I’ve enjoyed all magazines that you sent to me.

P. P., Chicago, IL

From Kalaymyo to Yangon!

This is part two of my report about my recent trip from my home in Malaysia to Myanmar to serve our Christian brothers and sisters in this remote nation. The brethren and I all appreciated Presiding Evangelist Roderick Meredith and Evangelist Bruce Tyler for their support for the brethren there and for their support for me to make this needed trip. The trip was encouraging to me and you may also be interested in learning a little more about how God is providing for His people in this remote but beautiful country. For the safety of our Christian brothers and sisters in Myanmar, I cannot share the names of these wonderful men and women in this report.
