| Tomorrow's World

2010 May-June Issue

Prove the Bible!

  • Richard F. Ames

Can you trust what you read in the Bible? Were you taught that it is an outdated and inaccurate set of stories and myths? The truth is that you can prove, for yourself, that the Bible is accurate and true—...


Financial Security and Blessings!

  • Roderick C. Meredith (1930-2017)

What should we be doing in times of economic uncertainty? When jobs are scarce and savings are being depleted, what does Scripture recommend as the foundation of true financial security? The answer may...


Religion's Misguided Shepherds!

  • Douglas S. Winnail

The Apostle Peter warned that false teachers would "bring in destructive heresies" and blaspheme the truth with deceptive words because "they have forsaken the right way and gone astray" (2 Peter 2:1–15)....


The Spirit of Pentecost

  • Rod McNair

God gave the Holy Spirit to His Church on the Day of Pentecost, but few understand the meaning of this Holy Day. God's Holy Spirit is vital for true Christian living, but many are unaware of what it is,...


Baptism: Ritual or Requirement?

  • Scott D. Winnail

Does baptism matter? Have you been sprinkled, splashed, poured on or immersed? Can you have the Holy Spirit without water baptism? Is baptism valid without true repentance? People have all sorts of...


It Is Your Time...

  • J. Davy Crockett III

How are you spending this most precious resource?


Thinking the Unthinkable?

  • John Meakin

Is it even remotely possible that the once-strong U.S. could collapse under the weight of inexorably burgeoning debts?


Testing the Prophets

  • Wyatt Ciesielka

As we approach the end of the age, many self-appointed ministers, prophets and apostles are making wild and competing assertions. Claims range from announcing that they are one of the end-time "Two...


Can You PROVE What You Believe?

  • Roderick C. Meredith (1930-2017)

You must understand that—if you are willing to accept the plain words of the Bible—people are not truly "Christian" just because they profess the "name" of Jesus Christ. Most of the mainstream religions...


Questions and Answers

  • Editorial Staff

Question: I have read that God will not hear sinners’ prayers. Since all have sinned and come short of God’s glory, how is it possible for God to hear anyone’s prayers?


Has Protestantism Failed?

The "mainstream" Protestant denominations are losing members by the millions. Other Protestant groups are adopting non-Christian doctrines and practices that would have been unheard of a few decades ago. Why is this happening—and what does it mean to true Christians?

2010 March-April Issue

Has Protestantism Failed?

  • Roderick C. Meredith (1930-2017)

The "mainstream" Protestant denominations are losing members by the millions. Other Protestant groups are adopting non-Christian doctrines and practices that would have been unheard of a few decades ago....


Here Comes the Sun?

  • John Meakin

For years, mainstream media have taken "human-induced global warming" for granted. Now, as more and more doubts are being raised, can a non-scientist hope to discern the truth behind the controversy? With...


Hope for the Future!

  • Richard F. Ames

A time is soon coming when our troubled planet will be at peace, under the millennial rule of Jesus Christ in the Kingdom of God. Are you despairing over the sad condition of today's world? You can take...


Diamonds and Stones

  • J. Davy Crockett III

Are you finding life's true wealth?


Break Free from Loneliness

  • Phil Sena

The God of the Bible showed that humans need others when He observed about Adam, "It is not good that man should be alone" (Genesis 2:18). This simple statement speaks to our basic need to form...



  • Rod King (1949-2019)

Where did the word "commonwealth" come from? It was first used in England as early as the fifteenth century as two words, "comen weal."


Why Earthquakes?

  • Roderick C. Meredith (1930-2017)

As carnal men curse and blaspheme God's name—while even the so-called intelligentsia "make fun" of the idea of a real God and despise His ways—God will literally begin to shake the nations to humble them...


Debt, Disobedience and Demise of Nations

  • Douglas S. Winnail

Great Britain and the United States of America are teetering on the brink of economic collapse and national demise.


Questions and Answers

  • Editorial Staff

Question: I have looked in my Bible for evidence of the "Good Friday" my church observes, but I cannot find it. What am I overlooking?

Answer: You should be...


Letters to the Editor

  • Editorial Staff

Thank you so very much for your free informative booklets. I am now 60 years old and am just learning the true meaning of the Sabbath day and when to celebrate that Holy Day. In my study of the Bible, I...


Can You Do Hard Things?

Most people today enjoy our modern culture of convenience. But have you ever stretched yourself outside your "comfort zone" to learn what you are really capable of achieving? Scripture promises great reward for those who resist apathy!

In an age of comfort and convenience, do you have what it takes to stretch yourself and do your very best?

2010 January-February Issue

Can You Do Hard Things?

  • Rod McNair

Most people today enjoy our modern culture of convenience. But have you ever stretched yourself outside your "comfort zone" to learn what you are really capable of achieving? Scripture promises great reward...


Satan's Agenda

  • Roderick C. Meredith (1930-2017)

If you were the "prince of the power of the air," how would you destroy nations that had once professed allegiance to God? Would your plan look like what is happening in the United States and British-...


Have You Committed the Unpardonable Sin?

  • Richard F. Ames

If you have strayed from God in the past, you may wonder whether you can really return to Him in the future. Have you sinned so greatly that all hope is lost for you? The Bible's clear warning can help you...


Seven Lessons From Seven Churches

  • Douglas S. Winnail

Jesus Christ's words to seven groups of first-century Christians are not just ancient history. They reveal the spiritual condition of God's Church throughout history, and explain how you can resist the pull...


Mankind's Never-Ending Hope

  • Marc Arseneault

Jesus Christ, through whom God the Father created the Earth, will at His return bring peace and prosperity to planet Earth as never before! This is humanity's true hope, of a time when the desert will bloom...


Welcome to the New EU!

  • John Meakin

The previous European Community, with its implication of separate countries grouped together, has now ceased to exist and is replaced by the new European Union. This now has primacy of law over member...


Babylon and Tribulation

  • Wyatt Ciesielka

Before Christ's return, Babylon the Great will nearly obliterate the U.S. and British-descended nations during the Great Tribulation—a traumatic time for the entire world (Matthew 24:21), for God's Church,...


Will "Political Correctness" Destroy Us?

  • Roderick C. Meredith (1930-2017)

"Political correctness" is like a cancer. It spreads slowly and almost undetectably through the body until death is assured.


Returns, Rebellions and Rome

  • Douglas S. Winnail

In recent decades, Roman Catholic popes and Eastern Orthodox patriarchs have inched toward healing the Great Schism, meeting and praying together and contemplating what would have been previously...


Questions and Answers

  • Editorial Staff

Question: When I began to learn about God from the Tomorrow’s World program, the magazine and the booklets you sent me, I thought my family, friends and co-workers would be as excited as I...


Letters to the Editor

  • Editorial Staff

In receipt of the March-April issue of Tomorrow's World, I read about the sign of Jonah, and it was amazing to learn more...

