Preparing To Be a Comparable Helper | Tomorrow's World

Preparing To Be a Comparable Helper

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The role of women in society has been greatly misunderstood throughout history, which has caused the human family great sorrows. Today we see a gamut of ideas about women’s roles. There are some cultures in which women are considered little more than slaves and are denied basic rights. At the opposite end of the spectrum, we find radical feminists who advocate the abolition of marriage altogether. They espouse the idea that women do not need men to be fulfilled. It is not God’s intent for women or men to go through life alone. God said, “It is not good that man should be alone; I will make him a helper comparable to him” (Genesis 2:18).

We grew up as little girls dreaming about our Prince Charming who would be handsome and dashing and, you know… charming! You get the picture. As we mature, Christian women realize that we still want a Prince Charming, but his qualifications are quite different. We desire a converted man who serves within the Church to the best of his ability. We want a man with varied interests, who is well rounded and sociable. There are lots of “would be nice to have” extras, but a major consideration is that we want a man whose education and skills will provide for a family. So, since we have all these qualifications in mind, what should we do to be comparable to such a man?

God has created the woman to be a mother to her children and a role model for the younger women as she matures. She is ideally to be a “Proverbs 31” woman—not a “shrinking violet” but a busy and profitable servant. She was also created with the unique potential to be the lifelong partner of a man (Matthew 19:5–6, Romans 7:2). In order to fulfill this purpose, there need to be multiple levels of compatibility. The key is to develop the qualities in yourself that you would like in a mate so that you will be compatible (comparable) to him. If we desire a man whose heart is in the work and who serves the Church, we might ask ourselves is my heart truly in the work, and what am I doing to serve. There are always many opportunities to serve within a congregation. There are widows who would just love someone with whom to talk; there are single parents who could use a hand or some downtime. Most everyone could use a card of encouragement from time to time. If you have special skills that can benefit the Church, let the minister know, and he may be able to put them to good use.

If our Prince Charming must be a sociable man of varied interests, we must be likewise. Do I have hobbies and interests, or have I gotten into a rut? If you find that you are in a rut, get out! We each have talents that should be developed; we have all thought about pursuing something that interests us. You may not be able to see how you would have the time, but all that is needed is to schedule a couple of hours per week to pursue an interest. You will be a happier person with new things to share because of it.

Women should not neglect formal education as a part of their preparation. If we want to be comparable to our life’s partner, we must be comparably educated. We should attain the best education that we can. There are many affordable options, including Living University. Education is never wasted; we should continue to learn and develop our minds throughout our lives.

Perhaps you are already married, or you are not planning to be married. The truth is we are all preparing to be the bride of Christ. We should be striving to become more like our future Husband, Jesus Christ (Ephesians 5:1). Serving in the church, developing our interests, and becoming better educated will help us to become a comparable helper for Him (Revelation 19:7).