Mankind's never-ending hope | Tomorrow's World

Mankind's never-ending hope

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On October 10, 2009, Guy Laliberté, the founder of "Le cirque du soleil," produced from space a show titled: "From the earth to space for water." The spectacle was to promote the awareness of water as a precious and disappearing commodity. More and more people are finding themselves in a desperate race to find water.

Recent reports tell us that more than one billion people are suffering from hunger and lack of water. One of the biggest lakes in Africa—Lake Chad—is drying up; mountain glaciers in South America that provide water to entire populations are melting and disappearing. The future for many is bleak!

What was fascinating about this amazing achievement of technology and coordination between space and 14 countries was the fact that humanity wants to achieve peace and wants to protect the water resources for coming generations. They want to promote conservation of marshes, rivers and lakes and unfortunately they look for hope in the human race. It's the never-ending hope in humanity.

Within the different acts of the show, there was a song in French that said: "…Ne tuons pas la beauté du monde, Faisons de la terre un grand jardin, Pour ceux qui viendront après nous …" which can be translated: "let us not kill the beauty of the world; let's make of the earth a big garden, for those who are coming after us." What a beautiful hope, but, again, humanity will not be able to bring it about.

The Bible reveals to us that "For as in the days before the flood, they were eating and drinking, marrying and giving in marriage, until the day that Noah entered the ark" (Matthew 24 :38); and we see in Noah's day that, "every intent of the thoughts of his [man's] heart was only evil continually" (Genesis 6:5). And in our day, if God does not intervene, humanity would destroy itself (Matthew 24:22). By not acknowledging the way humanity is going right now, and by refusing to accept God and His way of life, humanity is destined to fail in bringing about the beauty of that world expressed in the song.

But the good news is that this dream will become reality through a source recognized by only a few. The Creator of the universe, Jesus Christ, will bring it about! This is the hope that is expressed by the biblical Feast of Tabernacles. This is the hope that we have in which the desert will bloom, the animals will be tame and this earth will become a big wonderful garden. And not only that, but there will be food for all, peace for all, joy, happiness for all, and the end of all sickness. The blind will see, the deaf will hear. This is the hope that is provided by the plan of God. Mankind's never-ending hope will become reality in the return of Christ as King of kings and Lord of Lords.

For more information on this subject, please request our free booklet, The World Ahead: What Will It Be Like?

  Originally Published: 12th November 2009