Jews, Israelites, God's Love and Prophecy | Tomorrow's World

Jews, Israelites, God's Love and Prophecy

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The pace of end-time prophesied events is certainly beginning to speed up. The handwriting is clearly on the wall for America and the British-descended peoples unless we wake up and genuinely turn to God. Our job at Tomorrow's World is to help you grasp the real meaning of world events as they relate to prophecy, and to show you what to do to fulfill the Creator's purpose in your life.

The pace of end-time prophesied events is certainly beginning to speed up. The handwriting is clearly on the wall for America and the British-descended peoples unless we wake up and genuinely turn to God. Our job at Tomorrow's World is to help you grasp the real meaning of world events as they relate to prophecy, and to show you what to do to fulfill the Creator's purpose in your life.

A vital key to understanding the many Bible prophecies pertaining to this modern age is to know who America and the British-descended peoples are in prophecy. What names does God call our peoples in the prophecies of the Bible? Which prophecies have special meaning for our peoples?

In his powerful and most revealing booklet, What's Ahead for America and Britain?, John H. Ogwyn answers all the above questions. This enormously important booklet reveals—with biblical and historical PROOF—that our peoples are directly descended from the peoples of ancient Israel and are, in fact, the so-called "lost ten tribes" of Israel!

That's right! When Bible prophecies refer to "Israel" or the "house of Israel" they usually apply to our peoples—either ancient or modern, depending upon the context. And many major prophecies for our time refer to both the Jewish people and the "house of Israel." For instance, the book of Jeremiah was written in approximately 590BC—more than 100 years AFTER ancient Israel was taken into captivity by Assyria's King Shalmaneser in 721BC. Jeremiah wrote of a massive future national PUNISHMENT for both Israel and Judah (Jeremiah 30:4). As explained in my feature article in this issue, "A Turning Point in World Affairs," this severe national chastening, "the time of Jacob's trouble" (Jeremiah 30:7), is the same "Great Tribulation" that Jesus Christ predicted in Matthew 24:21–22.

Understanding this vital prophetic key makes literally dozens of Bible prophecies COME ALIVE for us today. These inspired prophecies in your Bible have ENORMOUS implications for your immediate future! To understand properly these prophecies from God, please write us to request your FREE copy of this most important booklet. Be sure to study it DEEPLY so you can understand our peoples' prophesied future!

But are there negative aspects of this "identity" question? There shouldn't be. Yet sadly, some "right-wing" extremists have terribly misused this wonderful truth. These individuals have convinced themselves—totally CONTRARY to the Bible and to what this Work has taught for decades—that the truth about our national identity makes other peoples inferior. Worse still, some of these "identity" groups have distorted the matter in a way that demeans the Jewish people.

This is NOT correct. And it is absolutely OUTRAGEOUS.

The clear biblical truth, of course, is that Jesus Christ, King David and all the twelve apostles were Jewish! The names of these Jewish apostles will be engraved in the very foundation of the New Jerusalem for all eternity (Revelation 21:14). God used the Jewish people to write most of the Bible—both Old and New Testaments. And, unmistakably, your Savior Jesus Christ was a Jew (Hebrews 7:14).

Those of us leading this Work of Almighty God have consistently taught for decades a deep and sincere LOVE for the Jewish people. We profoundly admire their brilliant talents and the service so many loving, serving Jews have exhibited in such key fields as science, music, literature, and so many more. And we sincerely love and appreciate the gifts and service of ALL human beings, of ALL races and ethnicities! For all of us are made in God's image and ALL will—in God's time—be granted full understanding of His will (1 Timothy 2:3–4). The Bible indicates that the vast majority of all humanity will someday truly REPENT and be willing to obey its Maker (2 Peter 3:9). Frankly, Bible prophecy shows that most of humanity will respond BETTER to God's calling than have the ungrateful and rebellious Israelite descendants of Ephraim and Manasseh, who have squandered God's many blessings.

In our magazine, on our telecasts and in all our teachings, we concern ourselves primarily with the national and personal sins of the British-descended peoples. But we are NOT selectively demeaning ANY nations or ethnic groups when we reveal from Bible prophecy how God will chastise ALL nations unless they repent! For Acts 17:30 tells us that God "commands ALL MEN EVERYWHERE to repent." When we focus on the prophecies regarding the descendents of Israel, Almighty God is using us to "CRY ALOUD, spare not; lift up your voice like a TRUMPET; tell My people their transgression, and the house of Jacob their SINS" (Isaiah 58:1).

Meanwhile, all of us who claim to be Christian must learn to LOVE one another genuinely. For whatever nation, race or ethnic group we come from, ALL of us are destined by our Creator to become His glorified Sons someday—IF we are willing to do our part. God grant that all of us may develop that love and—in God's time—be given the full understanding of His magnificent purpose for our lives.


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