Will the EU Come Apart? | Tomorrow's World

Will the EU Come Apart?

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The declining global economy, an exploding immigration crisis and ongoing terrorism have put tremendous pressure on the EU. Even European leaders are stating the EU is going down! “The dream of ‘ever-closer union,’ and the eventual merging of nations into a United States of Europe, is over… We are witnessing the decline and fall of the European Union as we know it… The speed of the decline and the extent of the fall are not certain… But it is clear that the EU, having ceased its geographical and institutional expansion, is entering a period of contraction, and quite possibly disintegration” (The Weekly Standard, December 28, 2015). Another concern is the return to nationalism that is increasingly evident across Europe. However, “an even bigger challenge may not have fully registered on Washington’s radar: the darker side of a Europe willing to re-embrace nationalism in response to a fear of the other” (Stratfor Geopolitical Weekly, November 24, 2015).

For years, we have said that the expanding European Union would eventually break apart and a smaller group of “ten kings” or nations would emerge—as indicated in Bible prophecy (Daniel 2:41-44; Revelation 17:12-17). These ancient prophecies of a coming “beast” power in Europe will be fulfilled as we approach the end of this age and the return of Jesus Christ. For more on this important subject, read The Beast of Revelation: Myth, Metaphor or Soon-Coming Reality?