Rod McNair | Page 6 | Tomorrow's World

Rod McNair

Why Work?

Why Work?

With the right understanding, you can turn your work from a curse into the blessing God intended!

The Value of “No”

Letting children have their way all the time is an obvious parenting failure. Learn how important it is to teach your kids to accept being told “No” and the role it plays in helping them tell right from wrong.

Is COVID Just the Beginning?

Is COVID-19 merely the beginning? What does it take to be healed by God? Find the answers to both of these questions in this program. Keep watching to discover the truth.

[The text below represents an edited transcript of this Tomorrow’s World program.]

A Time of Troubles

The COVID pandemic has wreaked havoc all over the world. Think about how far reaching its effects have been, in a relatively short time. It’s destroyed businesses. It’s weakened whole economies. And stimulus packages have caused national debts to rise higher than ever. COVID’s effects have been seen in the political arena as well. COVID policies have caused controversy in local and national politics. Frustration has erupted into public protests and even riots. And of course, the disease has taken the lives of millions of people. It has caused the suffering of people in virtually every corner of the globe, being especially hard on the elderly and those with pre-existing conditions.

As time goes on, many are putting their hope in vaccines to turn the tide on this crisis. And vaccines are being rolled out and distributed, to the relief of many. Others are resigned to riding it out until populations reach herd immunity, when most people will have been exposed to the disease. In either case, many believe at some point things will get back to normal.

But will they?

What if the COVID pandemic goes on longer than we expect? What if new, more contagious strains develop that are resistant to vaccines? Or, what if this is only the beginning of far worse diseases we have never dreamed of?

This program isn’t going to forecast never-ending doom and gloom. That’s not our belief or our focus. There is a lot of good news to talk about. God has a plan for our world. But we also must be realistic and face the future honestly. Something that is all too rare today.

We tell you the truth at Tomorrow’s World. And that truth involves warnings about perilous times to come, and the hope that springs from the pages of your Bible.

Long Term Effects of COVID-19 on the World

At the beginning of 2020, the COVID pandemic hit with a vengeance. Within a matter of months, nations all over the world were scrambling to react to the crisis. The pandemic has been blamed for a multitude of problems, including a spike in mental illness. Notice what the New York Times magazine reported on January 21, 2021:

“Even before we entered this darkest of winters, when Covid-19 is relentlessly causing more and more sickness and death — not to mention additional stress, isolation and economic pain — there was evidence suggesting that significantly more people have thought about ending their lives during the pandemic than in recent years” (Will the Pandemic Result in More Suicides?, January 21, 2021).

Only time will tell how greatly this pandemic has affected the mental health of people all over the world. But early signs are not good.

The COVID pandemic also punched massive holes in economies around the world. How bad is it? Notice what was reported in The Economist magazine on January 9, 2021:

“The economic toll of the covid-19 pandemic is incalculable... The semi-annual Global Economic Prospects report released this week... calculates that the world economy probably shrank by 4.3% in 2020, a setback matched only by the Depression and the two world wars. But this dramatic figure still understates the cost. It measures the world economy’s fall from where it was before the pandemic, not from where it would have been had the virus not spread” (“What is the economic cost of covid-19?”, January 7, 2021).

How bad will it get? The article goes on to say the crisis could ultimately be responsible for $10 trillion of lost revenue in economies around the world, in 2020 and 2021. These are not theoretical numbers. Most of us have friends or family who have lost businesses or wages. We’ve seen it first-hand. Or, we’ve experienced it ourselves. It’s a serious crisis.

And, of course, the disease itself has taken the lives of people all over the world. The “Our World in Data” website tracks this. According to their figures, 2.47 million people have died around the world because of COVID, as of February 21, 2021 (“Coronavirus Pandemic (COVID-19),” Statistics and Research, Most of us have been touched by this disease to one degree or another. Maybe you’ve watched a friend suffer or even die. Perhaps your own spouse, or a parent. You may have contracted it yourself. We can’t overstate the suffering some have experienced because of this disease.

We can all agree, this crisis has been a crushing blow to millions around the world. The hope is that the worst is behind us. But even if it is, even if new variants don’t arise, what about the future? Will it really be over?

As I said in the beginning, we need to look squarely at reality. Scientists expect more extreme diseases to come, from viruses we’ve never faced. Back in 2018, the Economist ran an article that talked about “disease X.” Disease X was a theoretical pathogen, named by the World Health Organization, to represent a yet unknown disease. The author states:

“By listing Disease X, an undetermined disease, the WHO is acknowledging that outbreaks do not always come from an identified source and that, as it admits, “a serious international epidemic could be caused by a pathogen currently unknown to cause human disease” (“What is Disease X?”, May 23, 2018).

What a statement! Who would have known, back in 2018, what we’d be going through today. What the WHO was trying to do was prepare not just for diseases they knew about, but those that are as yet unknown. But what is that saying? What that means is they expected new diseases to arise. And the lesson recent history has taught us is a new virus can plow into the world like a tornado. What about the next one?

In more recent times, other virus hunters have echoed the same thing. Peter Piot (“Pea - Uht”), is a special advisor on the coronavirus to the European Commission President. He’s a well-known micro-biologist from Belgium who has spent much of his life studying viruses. His most notable work was playing a role in discovering the ebola virus. On September 23, 2020 an interview of him was posted by the Politico website. It was entitled, “Belgian virus hunter warns of looming ‘age of pandemics’.” Notice what Mr. Piot said in this interview:

“The frequency of epidemics is ‘really increasing,’ he noted, with many of these viruses — like SARS and Ebola — coming from animals. Viruses that might have remained local could be spreading more easily due to widespread travel, he suggested. ‘But now, something happens in a city that most people never heard of — Wuhan — and boom, goes to the whole world,’ he said... Piot said that he spent the last six years giving speeches titled: ‘Are we ready for the next pandemic?’” (“Belgian virus hunter warns of looming ‘age of pandemics,’”, September 23, 2020).

You may recall that our lead presenter Gerald Weston also explained the source of many of these viruses, on a previous telecast. It was entitled, “Why Does God Allow Pandemics?” In that telecast, he explained that many viruses come not just from animals, but from humans eating animals God never intended to be eaten. The Bible calls them “unclean.” If you’d like to review that telecast, you can find it on

Mr. Piot has been warning the world for years. Were we ready for COVID? Is he correct when he says we may be entering an age of pandemics?

This is not the first time we’ve been warned about diseases on the horizon. In the early 1990s, my wife had a microbiology college professor tell his class that he worried about the future. His concern was the overuse of antibiotics, and the growth of viruses resistant to antibiotics. He said, “We may come to a point where we are forced to go back to praying at the bedside of the sick.”

What a statement. Do you realize you don’t have to wait for a deadly illness to ask for God’s merciful healing?

Future Outbreaks Predicted

The experts tell us we should expect unknown diseases in the future. And frankly, they’ve been warning us for years. It’s not if, but when. And because of our modern transportation, it’s very difficult to limit an outbreak to one place. It quickly spreads all over the world.

I quoted from scientific experts in the last segment, but now let’s look at Bible prophecy. What do we learn from the Bible?

Way back at the time of Moses, God issued harsh warnings to the ancient nation of Israel if they would disobey Him. Notice what it says in Deuteronomy 28:58–59:

“If you do not carefully observe all the words of this law that are written in this book, that you may fear this glorious and awesome name, THE LORD YOUR GOD, then the Lord will bring upon you and your descendants extraordinary plagues—great and prolonged plagues—and serious and prolonged sicknesses” (Deuteronomy 28:58–59).

Longtime viewers of Tomorrow’s World know the Bible shows many of our Western nations today are actually descendants of the ancient nation of Israel. And much of prophecy is dual. There is an end-time fulfillment, as well.

More and more Western cultures blatantly disregard biblical values of human life and sexuality and morality. Greed, pride, and violence are the norm. As our sins mount, God may allow more diseases to come on us to wake us up!

Now, does this mean every time someone gets sick and even dies, it’s divine judgment? No. We all age and will grow old if we live long enough! And all of us will suffer from SOME health issues at some point in our life. And we will even die—that’s part of life.

At the same time, we’ve got to realize, God in His word says He sometimes uses disease epidemics to get His people’s attention. Notice, going on, in Deuteronomy 28:60:

“Moreover He will bring back on you all the diseases of Egypt, of which you were afraid, and they shall cling to you. Also every sickness and every plague, which is not written in this Book of the Law, will the Lord bring upon you until you are destroyed” (Deuteronomy 28:60–61).

Bible prophecy also shows judgments coming on the whole world, as a result of sin. Toward the end of Jesus’ ministry, His disciples asked Him what would be the sign of His coming. After warning of deception and wars, notice what He said in Matthew 24:7–8:

“For nation will rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom. And there will be famines, pestilences, and earthquakes in various places. All these are the beginning of sorrows” (Matthew 24:7–8).

Merriam-Webster dictionary defines pestilence as:

“[A] contagious or infectious epidemic disease that is virulent and devastating” (“Pestilence,”

Note this carefully. This is not us claiming to know what the future holds; it’s a direct prophecy coming from the words of your Savior, Jesus of Nazareth. These are HIS words, and if we are a believer in Jesus Christ, we need to take note. Disease epidemics will come.

Now, He didn’t say we should be anxious and worried about it. In fact, in verse 6 He said, “See that you are not troubled.” Through Christ, we can have peace—even in difficult times to come. But we also must take His warning seriously.

Toward the end of the first century, the Apostle John saw a vision of the future. He recorded it in the Book of Revelation. After the prophesied seven seals, and the seven trumpet plagues, we read of the “seven last plagues.” Notice how the fifth plague is described, in Revelation 16:10–11:

“Then the fifth angel poured out his bowl on the throne of the beast, and his kingdom became full of darkness; and they gnawed their tongues because of the pain. They blasphemed the God of heaven because of their pains and their sores, and did not repent of their deeds” (Revelation 16:10–11).

We humans can be extremely hard headed. Even when the last plagues come, to wake up a sinning mankind, some will stubbornly refuse to repent of their sins.

Turning to God for Healing—How Strong is Your Faith?

So, what should we do?

Let’s face it, we are all physical. We all are subject to the ravages of time, age and at some point, disease.At some point we will die. It’s the normal cycle of life and death. But because we are physical, and our God is loving, He has also given us the blessing of divine healing.

When Jesus began His ministry, He immediately began preaching the gospel of the Kingdom of God. But He also cast out demons and healed the sick. People came from all over to be healed. He saw their suffering and had compassion on them.

Let’s look at one particular case. A ruler came and asked Him to help his young daughter. She was sick and close to death. Jesus agreed to go with him, but on the way, something else happened. This is found in Mark 5:25–26:

“Now a certain woman had a flow of blood for twelve years, and had suffered many things from many physicians. She had spent all that she had and was no better, but rather grew worse” (Mark 5:25–26).

There are always those who are ready to prey on the vulnerable. That hasn’t changed, has it? At the same time, we know of outstanding examples in the medical field today who use their expertise and training to really serve their fellow man. Many of them have put their lives on the line in this time, fighting infectious diseases; for that, we’re grateful.

But think about it. No matter how dedicated physicians may be, they are still limited. There are times when they have done all they can do, and can do no more. They cannot heal in the ultimate sense. Only God can heal. And Jesus did heal this woman. Mark 5:27:

“When she heard about Jesus, she came behind Him in the crowd and touched His garment. For she said, “If only I may touch His clothes, I shall be made well”” (Mark 5:27–28).

And He did make her well. That’s the power Jesus had. That’s the power of your and my Savior. And He still does heal—I’ve personally witnessed that in my life. And maybe you have, too. That needs to be real to us. Because He is real.

Jesus proceeded to the house of the ruler who had requested His help. When He got there, He heard the sad news: the little girl had already died. In fact, there were already mourners in the house. We pick up the story in Mark 5:36:

“As soon as Jesus heard the word that was spoken, He said to the ruler of the synagogue, ‘Do not be afraid; only believe.’… Then He came to the house of the ruler of the synagogue, and saw a tumult and those who wept and wailed loudly.… But when He had put them all outside, He took the father and the mother of the child, and those who were with Him, and entered where the child was lying” (Mark 5:36, 38, 40).

Notice, when Jesus healed, He didn’t make a big show of it. There was no fanfare, no spotlight, no sleight-of-hand. In fact, as we see here, He made all those who were wailing and carrying on leave the house. Then, those remaining were just a few, with the parents. It was a quiet, private matter. And this is what He did, as told in Mark 5:41:

“Then He took the child by the hand, and said to her, ‘Talitha, cumi,’ which is translated, ‘Little girl, I say to you, arise.’ Immediately the girl arose and walked, for she was twelve years of age. And they were overcome with great amazement. But He commanded them strictly that no one should know it, and said that something should be given her to eat” (Mark 5:41–43).

He healed her. Actually, He raised her from the dead! Not with a lot of noise and production. In fact, He told them, don’t make a big deal of this to others! He wasn’t seeking a crowd. Healing was a part of His MINISTRY, as a sign of Who He was. And, He did it simply out of compassion for these desperate people.

Does God heal today? Absolutely. Notice what James 5:14–15 says:

“Is anyone among you sick? Let him call for the elders of the church, and let them pray over him, anointing him with oil in the name of the Lord. And the prayer of faith will save the sick, and the Lord will raise him up” (James 5:14–15).

The Living Church of God has dedicated ministers around the globe. One of their duties is to pray over the sick and anoint them with oil. It’s not a strange or unusual ritual. It’s just a simple, quiet prayer with the one who is sick and the anointing of the person with a tiny bit of olive oil. It’s done just as it says here in James 5:14. God does heal. I’ve seen it myself, with my own eyes.

Now, are there times when we ask for God’s healing and we don’t get better immediately? Absolutely. We must understand, God has a plan for us. And His ultimate priority is to get us into His kingdom. And that means He sometimes allows us to suffer, to learn about trusting Him and having faith in Him. Paul learned that when He asked God for deliverance from a trial and was not delivered. Notice the answer from God to Paul, in 2 Corinthians 12:9:

“And He said to me, ‘My grace is sufficient for you, for My strength is made perfect in weakness’” (2 Corinthians 12:9).

We sometimes learn the most by learning to wait and be patient. Even so, God does want us to ask when we need help.

And notice something else. As it describes in Acts 19:11, there were times when Paul could not pray over someone in person, and in those cases he would pray over and anoint a cloth that would then be sent to that person, who would then apply the cloth to themselves in prayer. Let’s read it together:

“Now God worked unusual miracles by the hands of Paul, so that even handkerchiefs or aprons were brought from his body to the sick, and the diseases left them and the evil spirits went out of them” (Acts 19:11–12).

The Living Church of God follows that practice as well, sending out anointed cloths to those who ask, in genuine faith, to be healed.

Jesus Christ Cares About Your Health and Future

Earlier in today’s program, I mentioned the micro-biology professor saying there would come a time when we would again have to pray at the bedside of the sick. But think about it; Are we only going to do that when we are absolutely forced to? Or, can we begin to seek God now, every day, to guide us and teach us—and heal us—when we’re sick? The answer is obvious; God wants us to seek Him now.

In John 10:10, notice what Jesus Christ said, as recorded by the apostle John:

“The thief does not come except to steal, and to kill, and to destroy. I have come that they may have life, and that they may have it more abundantly” (John 10:10).

God wants to give us eternal life, through the resurrection. But He also wants us to enjoy the blessings of life now—and that includes divine healing.

Look to God. Realize that COVID may just be a blip on the radar. But we can be prepared for whatever comes next, if we have faith and trust in God.

Hey, it’s me again! Thank you for watching and remember to subscribe so you don’t miss another Tomorrow’s World video, and if you’d like a copy of our free booklet Does God Heal Today? go to or click the link in the description. See you next time.

Will You Do Hard Things?

Man with arm upraised standing on mountain

Choosing what is right over what is easy can make you not only stronger but also happier!

Peace of Mind Through Personal Prayer

As the mental health of everyone around the globe continues to be harmed by the world around us, surely there must be a way to find peace of mind. God gives us a way to find it. So watch now to learn just how it is possible to find peace of mind and fulfillment through answered prayer.

[The text below represents an edited transcript of this Tomorrow’s World program.]

Is There Any Way to Find Peace?

We’re living in a troubled world. And our problems have only gotten worse with the coronavirus pandemic. Some experts today say America is going through a mental health crisis. In fact, in October of 2020, the American Psychological Association created the publication Stress in America 2020: A National Mental Health Crisis.

Consider some of the findings:

"Despite several months of acclimating to a new reality and societal upheaval spurred by the COVID-19 pandemic, Americans are struggling to cope…. Nearly 2 in 3 adults (65%) say the current amount of uncertainty in our nation causes them stress. Further, 3 in 5 (60%) say the number of issues America faces currently is overwhelming to them…. Issues they are stressed about are not going away, they are piling up" (p. 2).

Think about it. The effect of the virus has had a dramatic impact on many more people than just those touched directly by the disease. The societal disruption it has caused has affected the mental and emotional health of millions of Americans. And it’s the same in many places around the world. On October 5, 2020, the World Health Organization published an article stating this:

"Bereavement, isolation, loss of income and fear are triggering mental health conditions or exacerbating existing ones…. The pandemic is increasing demand for mental health services" ("COVID-19 disrupting mental health services in most countries, WHO survey," October 5, 2020).

How can we survive the trials and difficulties of these troubling times? How do we fight the crushing sense of discouragement many face today? All too often, in our secular world, the most important stress-beating tool is ignored or outright rejected. And yet, it’s something we ALL need to put into practice, to have more peace of mind in a distressing world. What is it? Personal prayer to God.

Direct and Personal: God as a Real Confidant

Welcome to Tomorrow’s World, where we help you make sense of the world through the pages of your Bible.

2020; it’s the year where everything went wrong. But this world’s problems didn’t start with the COVID crisis. Consider the Boston Globe article entitled, "Dear God, Are you out there? The world is falling apart." It’s tempting to think that all our problems just began in February and March of 2020, but life for many was challenging before that time as well.

This world has been on fire for longer than just a few months. Consider the information from the website "Global Protest Tracker." It reports that since 2017:

Society around the world is convulsing. So, what should we do? The Centers for Disease Control, or CDC, has a website that explains that there are things we should do in difficult times to maintain a positive mental framework. Connecting with loved ones is vital. Not succumbing to isolation and loneliness is crucial.

Avoiding getting caught up in the negative media, and taking care of our physical health, all are good pieces of advice. Even so, there is something else which goes far beyond these factors. What is that something else? Seeking the peace of mind that only comes through personal, private contact with God in prayer.

How can you experience more peace of mind in your life? In this program, we’ll discuss several keys to achieving peace of mind through personal prayer. The first is:

1. Talk to God in a direct and personal way

Do you talk to God in prayer, as if He’s real and is actually listening? Surprisingly, many do not. The Guardian website ran an article in 2018, entitled "Non-believers turn to prayer in a crisis, poll finds." Here is what the author wrote:

"…A new survey has found that one in five adults pray despite saying they are not religious…. Henry, 64, said he prays every night, kneeling by his bed, despite not being religious. ‘I worry about it quite a lot – is it some kind of an insurance policy, is it superstition or is it something more real?’… He said he had no idea if God heard his prayers, and said the act of praying did not make him feel better. ‘I wonder why I don’t stop doing it’" (January 13, 2018).

This is a fascinating survey—20% of non-believing adults in Britain DO PRAY. And as Henry mentioned, some do in spite of doubting that a real God is listening. And it has NO impact on their peace of mind.

Even those who are religious, for many of them, prayer has limited value in really affecting their lives. The article goes on to say this:

"Just over half of all adults in the UK pray… and just under half of those who pray said they believed God hears their prayers… Four in ten… say it makes them feel better."

What a tragedy. Even many religious people who do pray have no confidence that God is listening. So why pray at all if there is no connection and no sense of a Being who’s listening and who really cares?

The first key to effective prayer is to understand WHO we are praying to. We don’t just pray to an idea. We don’t pray to an ambiguous "higher power." We pray to our Father. And our Father sees us and is listening, and wants us to seek Him.

When we do earnestly seek Him, we can have a deep sense of peace of mind that comes no other way.

Let’s turn it over to Matthew chapter 6 and verse 31. Jesus said,

"Therefore do not worry, saying, ‘What shall we eat?’ or ‘What shall we drink?’ or ‘What shall we wear?’ For after all these things the Gentiles seek. For your heavenly Father knows that you need all these things. But seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all these things shall be added to you. Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about its own things…" (Matthew 6:31-34).

Notice what He says. Don’t agonize about our daily needs, even when times are tough and budgets are tight. Because the God we serve is the One who provides all those things.

Why is it so important that we go to God in prayer? Because oftentimes the things that stress us the most are the things we can’t control: our worries about our job, our financial situation, our health, or how we’ll put food on the table or pay the mortgage.

I recently heard of a story on a local news program of a woman diagnosed with breast cancer. After her diagnosis, she was not allowed to go to work, because she was now at high risk for getting the coronavirus. And yet she couldn’t work from home, so she was furloughed. Yet, she wasn’t able to move forward with her cancer treatment because of her job situation, so she was left in limbo, and at the publishing of the story was three months behind on her mortgage with no hope in sight.

You might be facing something similar. You might feel like you’re drowning because of the pressures this current crisis is putting on you. Seek God in prayer. He’s YOUR Father, too. His Son DIED for you. He will PROVIDE for you, if you seek Him in heartfelt and persistent prayer. And in the process, you will find peace of mind that passes human understanding.

The key is getting our focus on Him, in personal, private prayer. Jesus also said in Matthew chapter 6 verse 7,

"And when you pray, [not IF you pray, but WHEN you pray] do not use vain repetitions as the heathen do. For they think that they will be heard for their many words. Therefore do not be like them. For your Father knows the things you have need of before you ask Him. In this manner, therefore, pray: Our Father in heaven, hallowed be Your name. Your kingdom come. Your will be done on earth as it is in heaven" (Matthew 6:7).

Have you ever noticed that the first half of this model prayer is directed at talking to God, and praising and thanking Him? He is real. He is good, He is holy, loving, caring and compassionate. He has a plan He’s working out. But often our prayers can become just a laundry list of "I need this and I need that." When we pray, the first thing we need to do is get our mind on God, and Who He really is.

The Apostle Paul wrote, in Philippians 4:6,

"Be anxious for nothing, but in everything by prayer and supplication, with thanksgiving, let your requests be made known to God; and the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus."

It all starts with thanksgiving. Our attitude toward prayer must begin with acknowledging Who He is and focusing our minds on HIS will…not our own. That’s the starting point for real peace in this troubling world.

Wisdom and Strength: God as the Real Source

And that brings us to the second key in today’s program:

2. Ask God to teach and direct you.

This might seem counterintuitive. When we are under stress, we don’t want MORE burden and guilt. We don’t want to be made to feel like our problems are OUR fault, or that we might be partially responsible for the stress we feel. That’s the LAST thing we want.

But understand what I’m saying. God made us. We are His workmanship. He created our ability to think. He designed us to have human relationships. He put us on this earth. But all too often, in our modern world, we ignore what God says about how to live. And yet He is the One who knows best how to make our life work. Why not ask Him for direction?

The Apostle James wrote, in James 1 and verse 5,

"If any of you lacks wisdom, let him ask of God, who gives to all liberally and without reproach, and it will be given to him."

Are we asking for God to teach us? Is this something that is part of our prayer? We have to understand where real wisdom comes from. And we need wisdom today. Why is wisdom so important? Well, consider a few examples. How hard is it to stay out of endless political debates that are largely futile, and yet bitterly divide even family members? Wisdom can help us avoid those. When under financial pressures, how easy is it to find ourselves snapping at our mates over money matters? And yet wisdom can help us choose love and unity and work together to find solutions. When facing discouragement and depression, how easy is it to fall into harmful behaviors, such as abuse of alcohol, or drugs, or misuse of sex, or falling into pornography? And yet wisdom from God teaches us how to avoid those harmful traps. It shows us that they only bring misery to us and wreck our relationships.

Wisdom from God is vital to navigating difficult times and having peace of mind. We need it today.

In 2 Timothy 1:6, Paul also wrote:

"Therefore I remind you to stir up the gift of God which is in you through the laying on of my hands. For God has not given us a spirit of fear, but of power and of love and of a sound mind."

Do you want a sound mind? A sound mind is a gift from God. It doesn’t come from psychology books, or self-help magazines about relaxation techniques. Now, those things can help, but in the end, real peace of mind comes only from God. But we must ask for it.

In Hebrews 4:12, Paul wrote:

"For the word of God is living and powerful, and sharper than any two-edged sword, piercing even to the division of soul and spirit, and of joints and marrow, and is a discerner of the thoughts and intents of the heart."

So how does God teach us? Through His Word, which is this Book, the Bible. We must study the Bible for answers to our questions on life. When we pray, we talk to God. When we read and study our Bible, God talks to us. If we’re not diligently reading this Book, it’s as if we are only willing to talk to God, but not listen to His instruction as well.

As a pastor, I’ve worked with people who wanted to improve their lives, but weren’t really willing to look for the answers in the Bible. Their answers came from their own imagination, and what they thought God wanted them to do. But, they failed to realize we must seek for God’s instructions by revering and listening to the Bible.

So, how can you have real peace of mind? By sincerely talking to God in personal prayer, and asking Him to teach you through His Word.

Repent and Obey: God as a Guide

The third key we’ll discuss today is:

3. Act on what God teaches you.

The coronavirus struck in early 2020. By March, it became obvious to many governments around the world, this was going to be a serious public health crisis. The danger was not just from the virus itself, but how people would respond to the virus. There were mental and emotional health dangers associated with the fallout from the pandemic. In response, the Centers for Disease Control issued advice on how to manage stress during the COVID pandemic. These are some of the suggestions that the CDC gave on their website, under the heading, "Healthy Ways to Cope with Stress":


These are all very common-sense pieces of advice. And they are helpful to keep in mind, when facing mental and emotional stress. But think about it. Why is it that we all-too-often listen to experts, and consider their advice as valid, and even change our behavior based on their advice…but we don’t act on the guidance of God?

What do I mean? Let’s turn to what Jesus said in John 13:17,

"If you know these things, blessed (or happy) are you if you do them."

If God made us—if He designed our minds and put together our being, don’t you think He has a thing or two to say about how we should live? For example, look at the whole matter of prayer. We might think, yes, I should really pray. Or, I should pray more consistently, or more earnestly. And, if I did, I’d probably have a better handle on my problems. But life gets busy. We get tired and worn out from the daily battle. The kids need to be put to bed. By the end of the day we’d rather sink into a chair and lose ourselves in a book or in watching TV or YouTube. And the time just slips away. And we let everything and anything keep us from connecting to our Father. In the process, without ever meaning to, we prevent ourselves from getting the mental and emotional peace of mind we really need.

The Bible is filled with advice on how to navigate difficult times. It’s overflowing with stories of real-life people. These were people who really existed, who were not myths, and they faced uncertain times and prevailed, through talking to God, and faithfully responding to Him.

Are we going to take that next step and reach out to our Father in Heaven, and really talk to Him? Are we going to open a Bible—or get a Bible—and let God show us how to survive the stressful times we’re in? Are we going to act on what we learn?

What is putting pressure on you right now? Maybe you were downsized or furloughed because of the pandemic or lost a job. Maybe you have a difficult health trial, Maybe your relationships are a mess, and you and your mate are struggling to maintain a marriage under the weight of family and financial stresses. Maybe you are struggling with an addiction that is eroding your own sense of self, and destroying your life. You want to quit, but you keep falling back into that black hole.

Did you know that God through His Word gives wisdom and real help on all of these issues and many more? We just have to be open to it and ask. And we have to start reading, and then put into practice what we learn.

When ancient King Solomon had dedicated the newly-built Temple in Jerusalem, he led the congregation in prayer to God. He implored God, to listen to his people, even when they would go astray. And, if they would repent, and turn, and seek to honor Him, he asked God to honor their prayer. Here is what God said. It’s found in 2 Chronicles 7:14,

"If My people who are called by My name will humble themselves, and pray and seek My face, and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin and heal their land."

If there ever was a time when we need repentance, and forgiveness, and healing for human beings in our nations around the world, it is now. But what if the nations and governments and leaders and people of this world don’t change? Is there anything holding you back from seeking God personally, in your life? If God is opening your heart and mind, you, too, can call on Him with sincerity, and experience the wonderful peace that comes only from knowing, seeking, and obeying Him.

Notice what the prophet Isaiah said, in Isaiah 55:6,

"Seek the LORD while He may be found, call upon Him while He is near. Let the wicked forsake his way, and the unrighteous man his thoughts; let him return to the LORD, and He will have mercy on him; and to our God, for He will abundantly pardon."

In these stressful times, there is help. And that is through a personal relationship with God. And that starts with private, persistent prayer.

God Is the Giver of Peace!

God will give us peace of mind, as we seek Him, ask for His help, and act on what He says through His word.

God is in control. He created everything. And He will guide us if we really want Him to. We can have real, genuine, peace of mind, through personal prayer with the One who gave us life and breath.

Thanks for watching to the end. At Tomorrow’s World, we help people understand the world by helping them understand the Bible. If you want to learn more about the Bible and understand where this world is headed, be sure to subscribe to our channel and click the notification bell. Also, if you want to get our study guide Twelve Keys to Answered Prayer for free, click here. See you next time.
