| Tomorrow's World

2006 May-June Issue

An Islamic Europe?

  • Dexter B. Wakefield

A thousand years ago, Islam was a powerful force in parts of Europe. Today, Islam is once again making itself felt, in ways that trouble many Europeans. Will we see an Islamic Europe—and what will it mean...


Do You Live by What Christ Taught?

  • Roderick C. Meredith (1930-2017)

Are you living the way Jesus Christ and His apostles lived? Do you believe and practice what they taught? Many who call themselves Christians have departed from the faith of Jesus Christ—without even...


The Promises of God

  • Richard F. Ames

How far would you go to find buried treasure? Many have risked their lives searching for riches in unlikely places. But did you know that God has promised you the greatest treasure of all? You can find it...


Bible Prophecy and the European Dream

  • Douglas S. Winnail

For centuries, many Europeans have looked beyond their small nation-states and dreamed of a powerful, unified continent. As the European Union grows, matures and negotiates obstacles, Bible prophecy can...


Abortion: A Deadly War of Words

  • Gary F. Ehman (1937–2021)

If a fetus does not feel pain, should doctors consider it a person? Modern technology continues to give abortionists new tools—and new arguments—in their ongoing efforts to justify the taking of human life...


When Will the END Come?

  • Roderick C. Meredith (1930-2017)

We have all seen cartoons of a funny-looking old man in a white robe carrying a sign that reads, "The end is near!" It makes us smile, and helps us realize how many misguided religious people have made...


The Return of Germany

  • Douglas S. Winnail

In the last 20 years, dramatic changes have swept across Europe. The Berlin Wall, which had divided East and West Germany, came down.


Questions and Answers

  • Editorial Staff

Question: Jesus Christ described people going to a place called "hell" where "their worm does not die." What does this mean? Are there worms in hell, with eternal life, tormenting sinners...


Letters to the Editor

  • Editorial Staff

Your magazine has been nothing less than inspiring to me. None of this backsliding and two-stepping anddodging the truth! You tell...


San Francisco Earthquake: Lessons 100 Years Later

April 2006 marks the hundredth anniversary of an earthquake that ravaged a city and changed the way Americans came to think about disaster preparedness. Many lessons were learned following the devastating quake—but were they the right lessons?

2006 March-April Issue

San Francisco Earthquake: Lessons 100 Years Later

  • Rod McNair

April 2006 marks the hundredth anniversary of an earthquake that ravaged a city and changed the way Americans came to think about disaster preparedness. Many lessons were learned following the devastating...


Are You Willing to Change?

  • Roderick C. Meredith (1930-2017)

Your very life depends upon your willingness to change. Your eternity depends on what you do with God's revealed truth, which leads to eternal life. But knowing the truth is not enough. God wants you to act...


Who Is the Beast?

  • Richard F. Ames

Few people understand the book of Revelation and its many mysterious symbols. There are many conflicting ideas about the Beast of Revelation, but the Bible makes itself clear, and reveals vital truth that...


Can You Believe the Bible?

  • Douglas S. Winnail

What makes the Bible different from other "holy books"? Is it God's inspired word, or the work of clever human beings? Even though millions look to other books and doubt the Bible's relevance, the evidence...


The Twelve Months of Christmas?

  • Gary F. Ehman (1937–2021)

People spend and spend in the hope of having a joyous Christmas. But their big spending has year-round consequences. What does rampant consumer spending say about us and about our nations? Is there a better...


Street Corner Cowboys Ride Short-Winded Horses!

  • Gerald E. Weston

Those who take the fast track often fade in the longer race of life, while the diligent steadily move toward the lead. The industrious person is the one who gets ahead, while those who seek a quick and easy...


Coming: A Famine of the Word!

  • Douglas S. Winnail

God inspired the prophet Amos to record: "Behold, the days are coming, says the Lord GOD, that I will send a famine on the land, not a famine of bread, nor a thirst for water, but of hearing the words of...


Questions and Answers

  • Editorial Staff

Question: In Acts 8, when we read of Philip preaching the gospel to the Samaritans, we read that he "preached Christ to them" (v. 5). Why, then, does your magazine preach the Kingdom of...


Can You Prove What You Believe?

  • Roderick C. Meredith (1930-2017)

So where did you get your religion? How did you come to believe the things that you believe? Did you find your religious concepts in the Bible? Or did you get your religious ideas from family and friends?...


A New World Is Coming!

Can you picture the reality of the coming Millennium, when the earth will be under the perfect rule of Jesus Christ? Your Bible reveals a message of hope about this soon-coming time.

2006 January-February Issue

A New World Is Coming!

  • Roderick C. Meredith (1930-2017)

Can you picture the reality of the coming Millennium, when the earth will be under the perfect rule of Jesus Christ? Your Bible reveals a message of hope about this soon-coming time.


Who Is Burning In Hell?

  • Richard F. Ames

Do you have "unsaved" friends or relatives? Are you afraid they are in Hell, burning now and forever in fiery torment? Perhaps you are even happy at the thought of your enemies burning in Hell. You may be...


Classrooms In Chaos

  • Douglas S. Winnail

In recent decades, modern educators have seen a dramatic change in schools. Violence and disrespect often play a larger role in a student's life than study and discipline. Why has this change occurred, and...


Rebuilding Happy Families

  • John H. Ogwyn (1949–2005)

In a world with so much suffering, happy families are harder and harder to find. Perhaps you came from a broken family—or are in one right now. Your Bible reveals vital tools that can help you build—or...


Business as Usual on Bourbon Street

  • Rod McNair

With Hurricane Katrina a fading memory, many merchants are going back to their old businesses—and their old ways. Is there a lesson we should be learning—and what are the consequences if we do not learn?...


Could You Be Deceived?

  • Roderick C. Meredith (1930-2017)

You have probably heard the saying attributed to circus magnate Phineas T. Barnum, "There's a sucker born every minute." Nearly all of us have been deceived at least a few times in our lives. Upon careful...


Disaster upon Disaster!

  • Douglas S. Winnail

During this same decade, devastating record-breaking droughts, storms, floods, hurricanes, earthquakes and tidal waves have occurred around the globe. These severe weather conditions and geological events...


Questions and Answers

  • Editorial Staff

Question: What did the Apostle John mean when he warned that "many antichrists have come"? What is an antichrist?

Answer: To understand...

