Does God HEAL Today? | Telecasts | Tomorrow's World

Does God HEAL Today?

Does God HEAL Today?

Picture our big city hospitals. What will happen when the next pandemic strikes? They will be overwhelmed. The doctors will probably run out of flu shots or other shots. There will be absolute panic. Do you think this can't happen here? Most of you know better. What is the only real solution for the disease epidemics predicted to strike our peoples?

This Week's Free Telecast Offer

Christian Baptism: Its Real Meaning

What do you see when you look at yourself?
How badly do you personally need God’s forgiveness? Do you really stand in need of a Savior?

Perhaps you have already been baptized as a child, or maybe as an infant. You might not even remember the event. Is your baptism really valid and acceptable in God’s sight?
This is a truly vital question, because your very salvation depends on the answer!

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