A New Government Is Coming! | Telecasts | Tomorrow's World

A New Government Is Coming!

A New Government Is Coming!

Countless millions of Americans have grown tired of hearing politicians argue with each other. Although there is much talk, and constant disagreement, few ever touch on the really big issues confronting America and it allies. Will there ever be a perfect government? Your Bible says there will be one—and that you need to get ready for it!

This Week's Free Telecast Offer

Prophecy Fulfilled: God's Hand in World Affairs

Humanity today is facing staggering crises of war, disease, pollution, drought, and famine. Where will it all lead? Bible prophecy reveals that God is working through current events to bring about a future time when the whole world will be at peace. If you understand what God is doing now and what He has planned for His creation, you can have hope—even in times of trouble!

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