Roderick C. Meredith (1930-2017) | Page 78 | Tomorrow's World

Roderick C. Meredith (1930-2017)

Who is the Antichrist?

Who or What is the antichrist? As the end of this age approaches, you need to know the answer to this vital question. The final personification of the antichrist will probably appear within the next several years of your life. But unless you know the nature of the antichrist, you will probably be deceived! Here is clear proof as to who and what the antichrist actually is.

How to Become a True Christian

If you want to know what true Christianity is all about, then this program is for you. Roderick Meredith explains how you can become a true follower of Jesus Christ. The end of the age is approaching, and the time is now to begin understanding how you can truly serve the almighty God.

How Will You Be Remembered?

If you died tomorrow, how would you be remembered, and how would God think of you? In this program, Roderick Meredith explores the question: what do you stand for, and what impact do you want your life to have? The Bible can help you answer these questions, and give your life purpose!

Are We Living in the Last Days?

Will human civilization continue indefinitely, or are we living in the prophetic “end times” predicted in your Bible? God is not the author of confusion, and yet in this age few people understand prophecy - yet God’s word is sure! Tune in as Roderick Meredith explains what God’s word says about the times in which you now live!

7 Reasons Why Christ Must Return

Do you believe the inspired word of God concerning the Second Coming of Jesus Christ? What does the Bible tell us about our Savior? Roderick Meredith presents seven concrete reasons why the world needs Jesus Christ to return to our troubled world, and what the signs of His coming will be.
