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Why is Russia conducting military exercises on a scale not seen since the Cold War? While the US, the UK and much of Europe struggle through an increasingly painful financial meltdown, the mighty Russian military is conducting unprecedented nuclear missile tests, deep-water naval exercises, and long-range strategic bomber flights, of intensity not seen for more than 20 years.
On October 11 and 12, Russia surprised the West by test-firing multiple nuclear-capable ICBMs from land and sea. The missiles struck their targets with deadly precision, some traveling a record of more than 7,145 miles. Commenting onboard a Russian aircraft carrier, and with planned US ballistic missile defense sites in Poland and the Czech Republic as context, President Dmitry Medvedev proudly stated, "This shows that our deterrent is in order." Medvedev then ominously continued, "We will of course be introducing new types of forces and means into the military" (, October 12, 2008).
These ballistic missile exercises come one month after two long-range Russian Tupolev-162 bombers flew war exercises over Venezuela. Tupolev-162's are capable of carrying 12 cruise missiles, each missile armed with a 200-megaton nuclear warhead. Additionally, a Russian Navy flotilla is currently en route to Venezuela to conduct more war exercises right in America's "back-yard."
But perhaps most sobering are developments recently outlined by national security advisor, Brian Kennedy. Reported in Imprimis, Kennedy warned, "In 2005, President Putin announced that Russia was developing a new ballistic missile. The prototype of a new hypersonic vehicle, he said, had proved its ability to maneuver while in orbit, thereby enabling it to dodge an enemy's missile shield. Russia clearly believed that the U.S. would build missile defense systems, and has taken steps to build weapons to negate them" (September 2008).
So not only is Russia conducting unprecedented military exercises, but Russia had accurately predicted the US intent of developing a more robust ballistic missile defense system and has already developed its own next-generation weapons that could largely negate our systems! Are these next-generation hypersonic missiles some of the "new types of forces and means" Medvedev alluded to?
For those who understand Bible prophecy, the point is not that Russia may or may not use these new hypersonic, maneuverable missiles against the USA, or whether or not Russia is unhappy about US ballistic missile defense sites planned for Poland or the Czech Republic. The real point is that God forewarned thousands of years ago that if Jacob's descendents disobeyed Him, then in the end-time our enemies would simply begin to out-strategize us.
Notice the prophetic warning in Isaiah 30:15-17. God tells the people to return to Him. This means keeping the seventh day Sabbath (Saturday), the Holy Days and the Ten Commandments, just like Christ did. God would then bless and protect them. However, the people refuse. They reply, "No, for we will flee on horses."
In other words, they choose to reject God and rely on themselves. God foretells this will be futile and warns, "Therefore those who pursue you shall be swift" (v. 16).
So, not only are we struggling through the most severe economic crisis since the Great Depression, but God foretells that at the end-time, we will not be able to "out-strategize" our enemies and they will overtake us.
Are you willing to "hear the Law of the Lord" and to be a part of the true Church of God that is proclaiming the soon-coming Kingdom of God, and is also warning the world? Unlike "mainstream Christianity," the Living Church of God does not prophesy "smooth things" and "deceit" (Isaiah 30:9-10). We teach the Truth, and we proclaim the Gospel of the soon-coming Kingdom of God.
The truth is that real ballistic missile defense is not putting new installations in the Czech Republic or Poland. Real ballistic missile defense is personally and nationally turning back to God. Watch When Will Christ Return?And read online, or request our free booklet, Restoring Apostolic Christianity to learn more.
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