Magazine Articles | Tomorrow's World

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July-August 2024

A fiery red and orange nuclear mushroom explosion
Cover Story

Armageddon is not just a “scare word” used by politicians. How will it affect you and your loved ones? You need to know!

Man being lifted up or raptured
Feature Story

What most people call the “Rapture” will never happen—and you can prove it with nothing but the irrefutable evidence from your Bible.

Hand checking to do list boxes

Are you accomplishing the tasks Christ has set for you?

Father and daughter embrace
Article 1

In just a few short decades, radical changes have begun to affect our lives and families as never before—and not in good ways. Are you holding out for a future when God’s ways will become the norm?

Wilderness of Edom sunset
Article 2

One man’s ancient determination still resonates throughout the modern world. What can you learn from Jacob’s struggle?

Happy father, mother and daughter
Article 3

Adding agriculture to your life, even if only indoors, can bring real benefits to your family’s health—physically and spiritually.

News text with magnifying glass
Article 4

Mark 13:37 | “And what I say to you, I say to all: Watch!

Red telephone booth near Big Ben in London
London Calling

Loss of collective purpose has devastated the United Kingdom, which must heed ancient warnings lest it shatter completely.

A portrait of evangelist Gerald E Weston

Can you make sense of the spiritual confusion in our world? Where is God’s true church today that follows the original doctrines and teachings of Jesus Christ?

Canadian soldiers marching
Oh Canada!

Canada and the other English-speaking nations have been blessed with abundance that should never be taken for granted.
