3D Organ Printing and No Need for God! | Tomorrow's World

3D Organ Printing and No Need for God!

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For several years, scientists have used a person’s own stem cells to slowly grow replacement organs in an artificial environment (Live Science, September 24, 2013). Simple organs like skin, tracheas and bladders, with a person’s own DNA, have been grown and transplanted into patients—with no rejection effects! Regenerative medicine is now developing 3D printers to rapidly make new organs.  The goal is to make complex organs like hearts, livers, and kidneys (ibid.). 3D printing of complex organs will take time, but some experts believe it to be possible within decades (ibid.).

Millennia ago, God confused man’s language in order to delay the impact of his creative endeavors (Genesis 11:5-7). Jesus suffered before He died so that human beings can be healed (1 Peter 2:24). Medical science could advance to the point that people feel there is no need for God yet Christ’s return will dramatically alter that assumption!