A European army? | Tomorrow's World

A European army?

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The idea of building a European Army is gaining traction with encouragement from the United States. “Washington has increasingly called on Europe to safeguard itself—and, more important, the nearby territory of the Sahel, North Africa, and parts of the Middle East” (The Christian Science Monitor, July 2, 2013).  Now, “It is clear that the EU is making concrete plans to create a European Army” (Public Service Europe, April 23, 2013).

Since shouldering a large portion of the military support for the war in Libya, the U.S. has pressured Europe to bolster its defense capabilities to be ready for future conflicts. Germany is the most economically stable European nation and “is the only country of the big three [Britain, France, and Germany] not facing serious defense cuts, and if trends continue, it could emerge as the biggest military in Europe” (The Christian Science Monitor, July 2, 2013). France continues to support Germany’s role as both countries “call for improved battle groups and the use of drones in civilian airspace” (EU Observer, July 30, 2013). One observer commented, “It is clear that the EU is making concrete plans to create a European Army” (Public Service Europe, April 23, 2013).

These events should not surprise students of Bible prophecy. Scripture foretells a European superpower of ten nations that will arise at the end of the age (Daniel 2:40-42). This dominant Beast power will lure and intimidate people into following its lead for 3.5 years (Revelation 13:1-5). The formation of a European Army could become part of this emerging Beast.  For more information on this vital topic, read our article “Bible Prophecy and the European Dream.”