A United Korean Peninsula? | Tomorrow's World

A United Korean Peninsula?

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The Supreme Leader of North Korea, Kim Jong-un, has called for the end of hostilities and unification between North and South Korea. During his new year’s address, he stated:  “An important issue in putting an end to the division of the country and achieving its reunification is to remove confrontation between the north and the south” (Reuters, January 1, 2013).

It is interesting to note that he referred to both Koreas as “the country” making it clear that he already sees the peninsula as one! The two countries have escalated tensions since 2010, due to North Korean military advances. This new approach by the North Korean leader seems to be a return to the ways of his grandfather—seeking better relations with the South. South Korea’s newly elected president seems to also be reaching out to her northern neighbors (ibid.). “During the election campaign… Park Geun Hye called for stronger engagement with Pyongyang, in contrast with her predecessor…” (Deutsche Welle, January 1, 2013).

Prophecy foretells of a unification or confederation of nations that will be capable of massing an army of 200 million men who will march from the east and converge on the European Beast who will be fortified in Jerusalem (Revelation 9:13-21; Daniel 11:40-45). It will be interesting to see if these two nations (where relatives live on each side of the border) will put aside their differences and work more closely together, perhaps leading toward a stronger and more unified Asian continent!  For more information on these events, read our magazine article, Return of the Dragon.