Adultery tarnishes men of valor. | Tomorrow's World

Adultery tarnishes men of valor.

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Many were stunned when the highly respected U.S. General David Petraeus abruptly resigned as CIA Director, due to an extramarital affair.  The general was considered an exceptional battlefield tactician during the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan where his leadership was praised both on and off the field.  His decision to commit adultery after 37 years of marriage did not reflect the type of leadership one would expect from a dedicated four-star general of the United States.

The affair not only destroyed his career, but threatens to pull down another high-ranking official, General John Allen, the Commander of the International Security Assistance Force in Afghanistan.  “The adultery scandal that led to the downfall of David Petraeus as CIA director widened Tuesday as President Barack Obama put on hold his nomination of Marine Gen. John Allen as commander of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization, one of the world’s top military posts” (Wall Street Journal, November 13, 2012).  General Allen was involved with various e-mails, which may threaten his position, if the FBI investigation finds credible evidence against him. 

This scandal has not only tarnished the Pentagon and top national leaders in Washington; it has also hurt the reputation of every veteran, resident, and citizen of the United States.  “Righteousness exalts a nation, but sin is a reproach [disgrace] to any people” (Proverbs 14:34).  The face of U.S. leadership and its respect globally is damaged due to a transgression against God’s command, “You shall not commit adultery” (Exodus 20:14).  When leaders make a decision, whether right or wrong, the people under their command feel the positive or negative results.  Due to this scandal, the morale of troops on the ground in Afghanistan will be affected, citizens in the U.S. will question the authority of the military leadership, and nations around the globe will raise further questions concerning U.S. foreign policy. 

Some may question why this is happening, but God gives clear answers in the Bible for those who “connect the dots.”  God told Isaiah long ago to prophecy to the nation of Israel, whose “whole head [leadership] is sick, and the whole heart faints.  From the sole of the foot even to the head, there is no soundness in it” (Isaiah 1:5-6).  Isaiah warned that if Israel continued to sin, God would take away, “the mighty man and the man of war” (Isaiah 3:2).  Unless they repent of their national sins such as adultery, and turn to God, the modern nations of Israel (including the U.S., Canada, Britain and Australia) will continue to lose their mighty men of valor, and God will continue to allow “the pride of [their] power” to be broken (Leviticus 26:19).