An Asian arms race. | Tomorrow's World

An Asian arms race.

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“Two trends in the international arms trade, in particular, have caught the attention of Western governments. For one, for the first time since the Cold War, the ranking of the world’s five largest arms exporters has changed. China has pushed Britain out of the Top Five. And secondly, military expenditures in Asia in 2012 exceeded those of the European Union for the first time ever” (Deutsche Welle, March 18, 2013).

China and Russia have capitalized on the economic troubles plaguing Europe and the U.S., but have also experienced increasing tensions around the region. India and Pakistan are constantly at odds, moving China to export more arms to Pakistan in hopes of keeping India from extending its power and influence. Tension continues between the two Koreas, who threaten each other. “Since Asian countries... have no arms industry to speak of, they depend on weapons imports…. India, which buys mostly from Russia, has imported more weapons in the last five years than any other country in the world” (ibid.).

Bible prophecy reveals that a final end-time superpower will march a 200-million-man army across the Euphrates River to wage war against a European Beast power that will be in Jerusalem (Daniel 11:40-45; Revelation 9:13-18; 16:12-16). We are watching Asian powers building up both economically and militarily to defend their assets from an attack by a foreign force. What will bring these Asian forces together and ultimately push against a European Beast power? To learn how God is guiding world affairs, review our free booklet, Prophecy Fulfilled: God’s Hand in World Affairs.