Are Animals Really People? | Tomorrow's World

Are Animals Really People?

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In an attempt to force better care and treatment of animals, “A US animal rights group is calling on a New York court to recognise a chimpanzee as a legal person, in what is believed to be a legal first” (BBC, December 4, 2013). The Nonhuman Rights Project founder noted “We are claiming that chimpanzees are autonomous—that is, being able to self-determine, be self-aware, and be able to choose how to live their own lives… Once we prove that chimpanzees are autonomous, that should be sufficient for them to gain legal personhood and at least have their fundamental interests protected by human rights” (ibid.). The group’s goal is to have the chimpanzee placed in a wildlife refuge and removed from his current caged habitat (ibid.).

The Bible reveals that God placed Adam and Eve in a garden and directed them to “subdue” and “have dominion over [manage]” the animals (Genesis 1:27-28). God created creatures to be valued and cared for along with the rest of His creation (Proverbs 12:10). However, the Bible makes clear that animals are not human beings. Upon death, the “spirit” of humans returns to God and is saved for the resurrection (Ecclesiastes 3:21; John 3:13; Ezekiel 37:11-14; 1 Corinthians 15:50-54), while the spirit of animals comes to an end (Ecclesiastes 3:21).

The ideas and actions of our well-meaning but misguided society illustrate the truth of God’s declaration: “For the wisdom of this world is foolishness with God” (1 Corinthians 3:19).