Attacking homosexuals—godly justice? | Tomorrow's World News and Prophecy

Attacking homosexuals—godly justice?

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Recently a homosexual couple in New York was attacked and beaten by six men and required medical treatment for their injuries (CBS, August 14, 2013).

Although both the Old and New Testaments clearly identify homosexuality as sin (Leviticus 18:22; Romans 1:26–32), those who attempt to exercise “Old Testament justice” are in clear violation of Christ’s example and teaching. When Jesus was confronted with a woman caught in adultery, instead of following the Pharisees’ demand to stone the woman as Moses “commanded” (John 8:5; Deuteronomy 22:22–24), Jesus Christ let her live and told her to “go and sin no more” (John 8:11). In order to repent—something that God desires of all people (2 Peter 3:9)—one must remain alive. The Bible also shows that one sin does not justify another (Matthew 5:19). In the New York incident, the attackers were also violating the biblical command not to harbor hateful and murderous attitudes in their hearts (Matthew 5:21–26; Romans 3:23). Jesus actually addressed this very issue when He told the Pharisees, “He who is without sin among you, let him throw a stone at her first” (John 8:7)—an invitation that was never accepted.

One day soon, Jesus Christ is going to return and implement His loving Law throughout the whole earth (Isaiah 2:2–4; 11:5, 9). For more on God’s righteous and loving Law, view our telecast on “The Miracle of the Ten Commandments.”