Crisis in capitalism. | Tomorrow's World

Crisis in capitalism.

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In an ongoing series of articles, The Financial Times of London has focused on the demise of capitalism—the economic engine behind Western economies.  The articles have noted a “crisis of legitimacy” or a “crisis of confidence” in the long-touted system, due mainly to the financial chaos wreaking havoc on world financial markets.  The current crisis gives rise to the big question, “Will capitalism continue or will it be replaced?”  Bible prophecies provide a glimpse into the future.

Revelation 18 reveals that a Babylonian system will arise at the end of the age and make nations and peoples very rich—before it comes crashing down.  Nations and merchants of the earth will “mourn” over its destruction because “no one buys their merchandise anymore.”  These merchants will eventually “stand at a distance for fear of her torment, weeping and wailing” (vv. 3-15).

Ultimately, Jesus Christ will return to the earth and usher in a new economic system based on the laws of God, tithing and the way of give (Isaiah 2:3-4).  Those who will not work will not eat (2 Thessalonians 3:10), but the righteous shall never go hungry (Isaiah 49:10; Revelation 7:16).  God will not use man’s “isms” (capitalism, communism, socialism, or the like) in His perfect government.  Jesus Christ will teach the peoples of the world the only way that leads to peace—a way that is far above the wisdom of man (1 Corinthians 1:20-21).