European Union's Internal Struggles | Tomorrow's World

European Union's Internal Struggles

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While several EU nations are pushing for a stronger, more unified European military (EU Observer, September 12, 2016), others are pointing fingers and trying to remove other member states. “‘The EU has to change, we have to reform it,’ Beata Szydlo, the Polish Prime Minister told the European Council president, Donald Tusk, at a meeting in Warsaw designed to ensure that post-Brexit Europe could present a united front at a summit in Bratislava on Friday… [while]… European capitals descended into a round of bitter mutual recrimination over the future direction of the continent. The divisions in Warsaw were echoed by calls from the Luxembourg foreign minister for Hungary to be expelled from the European Union for its authoritarian stance on media freedoms and its decision to build fences to keep out refugees” (The Telegraph, September 13, 2016).

Bible prophecy has long predicted the iron-and-clay nature of an end-time European beast power (Daniel 2:33, 41-43). The strong-and-weak nature of the European Union is very evident and will likely lead to the downsizing of the current 27-member EU. Scripture reveals that in the future, ten kings or leaders will give their power to a centralized beast power (Revelation 17:12-14), which suggests that the European beast will be smaller, more agile, and easier to direct than the overly-bureaucratic EU that we currently see. For more information on this coming European superpower, watch “The Beast of Revelation.”