Growing threat of super bugs. | Tomorrow's World

Growing threat of super bugs.

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For years, scientists have warned about the growing strength and drug resistance of bacteria.  In Europe, nations are reporting drug resistance of up to 50% with some bacterial infections.  This means that antibiotics used to treat certain bacterial infections are failing half of the time.  Experts cite overprescribing and misuse as major reasons that antibiotics are failing (Reuters, November 17, 2011).

Public health experts are fearful because of the lack of new and more powerful antibiotics. It is not economically feasible for drug companies to research and develop “last line of defense” drugs that will not be commonly used.

Jesus warned that disease epidemics—“pestilences”—would be one sign of the end of the age (Luke 21:11), and that they would be part of the “beginning of sorrows” (Matthew 24:8).  As time goes on, we should expect to see more virulent and difficult-to-treat outbreaks of disease.  No doubt the drug resistance being built up by the agents of infectious disease will play into God’s end-time scenario.