Peacekeepers or Oppressors? | Tomorrow's World

Peacekeepers or Oppressors?

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Recently “the UN has come under fire for failing to act after it prepared an initial 2014 report into alleged child sexual abuse committed by soldiers from France, Chad and Equatorial Guinea…” (Deutsche Welle, June 3, 2015).

“The regular sex abuse by peacekeeping personnel uncovered here and the United Nations’ appalling disregard for victims are stomach-turning, but the awful truth is that this isn’t uncommon” (The Guardian, April 29, 2015). “United Nations peacekeepers commonly pay for sex with cash, dresses, jewelry, perfume, cell phones and other items, despite a ban on such relationships with people the world body is trying to help... surveys of hundreds of women in Haiti and Liberia found their reasons for selling sex included hunger, poverty and lifestyle improvement” (Reuters, June 10, 2015).

In a world full of war and despair, the intended role of peacekeepers is to bring hope to troubled nations and people, yet their actions are increasingly evil. This self-serving behavior is just the opposite of servant leadership that God desires (Matthew 20:25-28). The return of Jesus Christ, the true “Prince of Peace,” will end this abuse of power and set the world on a different course—“of the increase of His government and peace there will be no end” (Isaiah 9:6-7). True Christians are preparing now to serve as the greatest peacekeeping force in history that will bring stability and joy to all mankind. For more information on God’s coming Kingdom, watch our telecast “A Soon Coming Utopia.”