Resurgence of Historic Diseases | Tomorrow's World

Resurgence of Historic Diseases

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“Victorian age” diseases such as tuberculosis, scarlet fever, scurvy and cholera, once thought to have been eradicated, are making a comeback. According to a report by the National Health Service in the UK, “there has been a 300% increase in instances of cholera in the last 5 years, a 38% rise in scurvy and 136% rise in scarlet fever” (The Times Gazette, December 26, 2015). Tuberculosis “caused more deaths during 2015 than AIDS and HIV together. This also brings into focus the importance and severity of a health crisis that is routinely overlooked” (ibid.). “‘We think TB is a disease of developing countries or of days gone by, but TB is a disease of today. It certainly was a disease of yesterday, and we need to make sure that it isn’t a disease of tomorrow,’ noted the chair of London’s Health Committee” (CNN, December 22, 2015).

Jesus prophesied “pestilences” would be a sign of the end of the age (Matthew 24:7). The Bible warns that when nations turn away from God’s laws, they will suffer disease outbreaks (Deuteronomy 28:21-22). These outbreaks are only a foretaste of what lies ahead. Bible prophecies indicate greater disease outbreaks will come in the form of a “pale horse” (Greek: chlóros from the similar word for cholera), which will claim the lives of one-fourth of the world’s population (Revelation 6:8). However, when Jesus Christ returns, nations will be healed and the plague of disease will be eliminated (Isaiah 35:5; Revelation 22:1-3). To learn more about future global epidemics and how you can be protected, read “Coming Plagues: The Pale Horse.”