Teen kills nine at knife point. | Tomorrow's World

Teen kills nine at knife point.

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Last week, a seventeen-year-old Chinese young man killed nine people and injured five more with a knife, following an argument with his girlfriend (AFP, August 2, 2012). This event coincides with shootings in the U.S., and the murder of more than 70 people in ethnic clashes in India (Times of India, August 8, 2012).

“Violent crime has been on the rise in China in recent decades as the nation’s economy has boomed and the gap between rich and poor has expanded at an alarming rate.  Experts say… that China is paying the price for focusing on more than 30 years of economic growth while ignoring problems linked to rapid social change.  Studies have described a rise in the prevalence of mental disorders in China, some of them linked to stress as the pace of life becomes faster and socialist support systems wither.  However, authorities stress that murder, which carries the death penalty, remains far less common than in most Western countries” (ibid.).  Societal factors are undoubtedly a major cause of homicide.

End-time Bible prophecies indicate that children and youth will become increasingly oppressive (Isaiah 3:12) and that violence and terrors will continue to increase.  As the end of the age approaches, Jesus warned that “nation [ethnic groups] will rise against nation [ethnic groups]” (Matthew 24:7).  The escalating violence we are witnessing around the globe is one of the signs that the end of the age is getting closer.  However, students of Bible prophecy know that these increasing signs also signify that Christ’s world-ruling, peace-filled government is on the way as well!