The Power of Breastfeeding | Tomorrow's World

The Power of Breastfeeding

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As Christians clearly understand, the great God created the human body “fearfully and wonderfully” (Psalm 139:14). He created a woman’s body to carry and develop “godly offspring” (Malachi 2:15). And He designed the woman’s body to produce special milk that can completely sustain a developing infant for months. Science has discovered that this breast milk is actually designed to be perfectly compatible with each particular infant, and that breastfeeding actually reduces the mother’s risk of developing breast cancer. 

Ironically, Satan’s society has promoted several situations that have led to a drastic global reduction in breastfeeding over the last 70 years (e.g., infant formula, women in the workplace, and social mores against breastfeeding). However, new research from Brazil reemphasizes the powerful impact of this God-designed action. “Researchers in Brazil have followed nearly 6,000 babies from birth for the past three decades, enabling them for the first time to get an idea of the long-term effects of breastfeeding… Those who had been breastfed proved to be more intelligent, had spent longer at school and earned more than those who had not been. And the longer they were breastfed as a baby, the better they tended to be doing” (The Guardian, March 17, 2015).  Study authors were quick to note that non-breastfed children can also develop high intellect and well-paying jobs. However, they also stressed the importance of encouraging all expecting mothers to breastfeed if possible (ibid.).

For more on the incredible human body and the creation of human beings, read “The Wonder of Life in the Womb.”