Trouble Ahead for Jerusalem? | Tomorrow's World

Trouble Ahead for Jerusalem?

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According to a recent report, “the day is fast approaching when the Palestinian Authority [PA] we have known for the past 22 years will cease to exist. PA leader Mahmoud Abbas’s US-trained Palestinian security forces have lost control over the Palestinian cities in Judea and Samaria. His EU- and US-funded bureaucracies are about to lose control over the local governments to Hamas. And his Fatah militias have turned against him” (Jewish Worldview, August 31, 2016). PA elections are set to take place October 8 after which Hamas’ seizure and control of the territory could “happen in the blink of an eye”—pulling Israel and other nations into another conflict (ibid.).

Long ago God predicted that the “king of the North” would move into the Holy Land (Daniel 11:40-41)—probably as a result of some provocation—in an attempt to maintain “peace” in the region. Bible prophecy also states that as we approach the end of the age, Jerusalem will be surrounded by Gentile forces (Luke 21:20-24). These non-Israelis will ultimately control Jerusalem for 42 months (Revelation 11:1-2). As instability spreads in the Holy Land and violence increases over control of Jerusalem and the Temple Mount, watch for attempts by the world community (especially from the Europeans and the Catholic Church) to bring peace to this strife-torn part of the world. To learn more about coming events in the explosive Middle East, read our insightful booklet The Middle East in Prophecy!