U.S. weather-related disasters of “Biblical proportions” in 2011. | Tomorrow's World

U.S. weather-related disasters of “Biblical proportions” in 2011.

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“America smashed the record for billion-dollar weather disasters this year with a deadly dozen, and counting.  With an almost biblical onslaught of twisters, floods, snow, drought, heat and wildfire, the U.S. in 2011 has seen more weather catastrophes that caused at least $1 billion in damage than it did in all of the 1980s, even after the dollar figures from back then are adjusted for inflation...  Extreme weather in America this year has killed more than 1,000 people, according to National Weather Service Director Jack Hayes.  The dozen billion-dollar disasters alone add up to $52 billion”—and 2011 is not quite over” (Associated Press, December 7, 2011).

Long ago, God said He would bless and protect Israel and its descendants if they would obey Him, but if they would not obey Him, He would remove His protection and allow devastating events to punish them (see Leviticus 26 and Deuteronomy 28).  Similar end-time prophecies are found throughout the major and minor prophets.  Micah and Haggai both mention end-time famine (Micah 6:13-15; Haggai 1:10-11).  John prophesied about similar famine in Revelation 6:6-8.  Luke 21:25 speaks of seas and waves roaring as a “sign” of the end of the age.  As weather events increase in power and frequency, God will use them to humble the rebellious Israelite-descended nations.

For more on weather and prophecy, see our booklet Who Controls the Weather?