Will France Exit the EU? | Tomorrow's World

Will France Exit the EU?

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In France, there is a growing frustration and distrust of the EU (The Connexion, January 1, 2011). A recent local election elevated the profile of the Front National party—a party “committed to withdrawal from the euro, the restoration of French franc, and the complete destruction of monetary union” (Telegraph, October 14, 2013). The party favors what some are calling a “Frexit” (an exit of France) from the EU. Although the Front National won only a local run-off election, a recent poll found that it is now the most popular political party in France (ibid.).

While France may not leave the EU in the immediate future, the Front National’s win highlights changing political winds in France and the growing unrest with the Brussels-centered EU. Some experts suggest this recent local election win is just the “tip of the iceberg” (ibid.).

For decades the Church of God has understood that the end-time European Beast power will be ten kings or nations who give their power to that Beast (see Revelation 17). Bible prophecies indicate that most Israelite-descended nations will be overcome by that Beast and not be part of it (Ezekiel 23:9, 22-27; Hosea 11:5-7; Amos 5:3). It will be interesting to see what France will do.

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