Will San Francisco ban male circumcision? | Tomorrow's World

Will San Francisco ban male circumcision?

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Banning circumcision will become a ballot measure in San Francisco’s November elections.  If the bill passes, parents who circumcise their children could face one year in jail or a $1,000 fine.

Proponents of the proposed bill liken male circumcision to female genital mutilation.  They claim the practice is dangerous and extremely painful—despite a lack of research to support their arguments.

Opponents of the measure point out that the analogy with female genital mutilation is faulty, that circumcision is a required religious practice among both Jews and Muslims, and that such a ban could be considered religious discrimination (Jerusalem Post, May 25, 2011).  While the American Academy of Pediatrics has gone “back and forth” in the issue, research has shown that male circumcision does have proven health benefits.  Based on the research, the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention does not discourage the practice and recommends that the decision to circumcise children rests with the parents (www.cdc.gov/hiv/risk/male-circumcision.html).

While the Scriptures do not require male circumcision for salvation, it should be remembered that the Author of the practice is the God of the Bible (Genesis 17:11).  However, the god of this world (Satan—2 Corinthians 4:4) abhors anything that is associated with God and fosters “enmity against God” and against His laws (Romans 8:7).

As time goes on, expect to see more efforts to overturn laws that God created to protect His people.