News and Prophecy | Page 6 | Tomorrow's World

News and Prophecy

U.S. Navy No Longer Elicits Fear

  1. 19th January 2024
  2. News and Prophecy Staff

US Naval ships with a dark and gloomy sky and American flag in the sky For decades, Britannia ruled the waves. Then, the baton was passed to the United States during World War II. But God warned that curses would come upon the Israelite-descended nations if they rejected Him, stating: “I will break the pride of your power” (Leviticus 26:19). One of the greatest evidences of British and American power has been their militaries—...


Multiple American States Evacuate Capitol Buildings

  1. 15th January 2024
  2. News and Prophecy Staff

Spillover from the war in Gaza is far-reaching, and terrorist groups have threatened to attack Israel’s allies. As NBC News reported last week, “At least six state capitol complexes across the U.S. were forced to evacuate Wednesday morning because of bomb threats” (January 3, 2024).


Who Determines Morality?

  1. 08th January 2024
  2. News and Prophecy Staff

A few weeks ago in a Sunday service at St John the Baptist’s in Felixstowe, the Eucharist service of the Church of England “included a blessing, for the first time in the Church of England’s 489-year history, for same-sex partners” (Telegraph, December 17, 2023).


A Growing Culture of Hate

  1. 05th January 2024
  2. News and Prophecy Staff

As we look at the current war in Gaza, we see the results of teaching children to hate Israel and glorify terrorism from their very young years, even in school (Council on Foreign Relations, May 1, 2017).


Germany’s Historic Military Deployment

  1. 01st January 2024
  2. News and Prophecy Staff

NATO patch on the shoulder of a German soldier Last week German and Lithuanian defense ministers signed a historic agreement (Newsweek, December 18, 2023). Germany agreed to permanently deploy a military battalion to Lithuania—the first foreign German troop deployment on European soil since World War II! This move, to occur over the next three years, will involve 4,800 troops and their families. Lithuania is...


Middle East Attitudes Are Shifting

  1. 29th December 2023
  2. News and Prophecy Staff

Flags of Arab nations on the left with the letters VS in the middle then the Israeli flag on the right For centuries, Muslim Middle Eastern nations have been generally divided along denominational Sunni-Shia lines. The Sunni branch of Islam makes up 85 to 90 percent of all Muslims and are the dominant population in nations such as Saudi Arabia and Egypt, while Shias make up only about 10 to 15 percent of all Muslims and form majorities in nations such as Iran and...


Computing with Lab-Produced Brains

  1. 25th December 2023
  2. News and Prophecy Staff

human brain with technical schematics and outer space in the background For years, computer scientists have been experimenting with human cells, with the hope of improving computing power. Recently, scientists used human stem cells to grow a neurological brain-tissue mass known as an organoid (, December 11, 2023). The brain tissue was connected to a computer with electrodes and electrical signals were delivered to the...


Declining Confidence in Western Democracies

  1. 22nd December 2023
  2. News and Prophecy Staff

flags of US UK and EU with cracked windows behind them In a recent poll, Europeans and Americans were asked if they were satisfied with their national democracies and the EU central government (Politico, December 11, 2023). Results show that nearly 70 percent of American respondents said the state of democracy had declined in recent years, while a similar number of polltakers in France shared the same opinion, and...


The Future of Migrants Who Die

  1. 18th December 2023
  2. News and Prophecy Staff

cobblestone street with shadows of migrants approaching a circle of yellow stars representing the European Union Growing numbers of migrants have died crossing the Mediterranean from Africa to Europe. Many more are dying after arrival and are buried in unmarked graves. According to The Guardian, “at least 1,015 men, women and children who died at the borders of Europe in the past decade were buried before they were identified…. These, however, are the tip of the iceberg.

