Thanksgiving and Our National Purpose | Telecasts | Tomorrow's World

Thanksgiving and Our National Purpose

Thanksgiving and Our National Purpose

On Thanksgiving weekend millions gather with their families and friends. They enjoy good food and fellowship and the blessings of living in a prosperous nation. They enjoy the blessings of freedom and opportunity. But do they thank God for their blessings? Are you thankful for your blessings? Do we in the english-speaking nations really understand why our nations have been blessed? Do we understand our nation's purpose?

This Week's Free Telecast Offer

The United States and Great Britain in Prophecy

More than 60 years ago, Mr. Herbert W. Armstrong (1892–1986) wrote a book entitled The United States and British Commonwealth in Prophecy. This book builds on Mr. Armstrong’s research, and that of other authors, to point the reader not simply to the history of the past, but to history written in advance!

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