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The Book of Revelation in your Bible reveals the future of the world. It reveals the rise and fall of nations. And in the prophesies for our time, God shows us that one particular superpower will amaze the...
WatchWhere will you be in the next 15 to 20 years? Do you realize that the great God has a type of job or position picked out for you? This job is real. It is a genuine future that your Creator has in mind that...
WatchGod has created a glorious universe. Photos from the Hubble telescope reveal awesome galaxies and nebulae. Do distant stars and planets - millions of light years away - have anything to do with your future?...
WatchJesus Christ of Nazareth rose from the dead. But, He did not rise from His grave on Easter Sunday morning. Does that shock you? If you want to hear the rest of the story, then listen to this telecast.
WatchWhy do you believe the things you do? Why, for instance, do you observe Christmas? Why do you observe Easter? Did you think these holidays came from the Bible? Then, you could not be more wrong.
WatchWhy do you believe the things you do? Where, for instance, did you get your ideas about religion and the worship of God? Why do you observe Sunday as the day of worship? Many of you are in for some shocking...
WatchWhat really happens to sinners? Have you ever wondered what God almighty will do with Adolph Hitler, Sadam Hussein, Osama Bin Laden and all the other bad guys? Do you know that there actually is a genuine...
WatchOne of the most mysterious books you have ever read is the Book of Revelation in your Bible. This book features the famous four horsemen of the Apocalypse and other puzzling symbols and secrets. What most...
WatchMilitary powers around the world are now preparing for war in space. Can you imagine the kinds of battles taking place in the skies above us? Your Bible reveals that World War III lies ahead and that an...
WatchLast week we described Christ's return to this earth. But, what will Christ's government be like? How will it function? What will the Millennium really be like? This is your Biblical prophesied future. This is...
WatchAre you preparing for Christ's coming government? What? - A real government coming to this confused world? Yes! Current events and Biblical prophecies are swiftly moving in that very direction. You need to...
WatchIn today's world of religion, we often hear a preacher appeal to his audience "Give your heart to the Lord". Often many respond just on emotion alone and walk down the aisle in the church or coliseum. Could...