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In this program, Roderick Meredith explores the Gospel and shows that there is a bright future coming. The holy Bible tells the truth about God’s plan for the earth and Jesus Christ’s mission of salvation, and...
WatchThe world is a dangerous place, and countless people suffer from fear and anxiety, real or imagined. If you want to learn how to better overcome your anxieties, follow along with Richard Ames as he finds...
WatchThe world is plagued with so many crazy philosophies and religions, how can you know what is 'truth'? And how many people really know the truth of the Bible? Could it be that the world is deceived? The Bible...
WatchIs there a way to ensure that God will hear your prayers? What does God expect from us in return for the assurance of His protection and guidance? In this edition of Tomorrow’s World, Richard Ames explains...
WatchMillions of Americans and Canadians are reading about a "secret rapture" which could supposedly occur at any minute. Will you be left behind? Or are there millions of people being given false information about...
WatchDid you know that chemical and biological warfare may be just ahead? That millions of Americans and Canadians may soon be exposed to horrifying disease epidemics? What should you do when supposedly incurable...
WatchIs science the answer to humankind’s problems? Or is religion the key? Neither has answered the question “what is man?” But there is an answer to be found, in the book that neither science, nor worldly...
WatchOne great deception in modern Christianity is the idea that the Apostle Paul taught that God’s law was “done away” and “nailed to the cross.” In this program, Roderick Meredith shows that this idea contradicts...
WatchMankind’s history is replete with war, disaster, and tragedy. Where is human civilization going, and will there one day be an end to the violence and troubles that plague the world? The Bible reveals that God...
WatchIn this program, John Ogwyn presents information that shows the Bible for what it is: a book of vital instruction and prophecy that is useful for all ages, including our own. Listen today and begin to use the...
WatchThere are many strange beliefs about life after death. Even professing Christianity teaches a variety of conflicting ideas. Does everyone go either to Heaven or Hell at death? What will happen to you? What...
WatchWho or What is the antichrist? As the end of this age approaches, you need to know the answer to this vital question. The final personification of the antichrist will probably appear within the next several...