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Disasters leave a mark long after they have passed. People still hope for the best, and are look forward to the return of the former good times.
Read More...The institution of marriage is under assault today as never before.
Read More...Many people believe in the existence of an all-powerful God who created the universe and designed and engineered life on this planet.
Read More...In one of his most famous sermons, Paul spoke at the Areopagus and taught the people of Athens about The Unknown God.
Read More...When we consider the great empires of the past, we should learn the lessons of history.
Read More...Wouldn’t it be great to know tomorrow’s news today?
Read More...How is it that the Bible has such long-lasting and broad appeal when it was completed over 1900 years ago and written by over 40 authors over a spa
Read More...Nations all over the world have suffered from the 2009 financial crisis. Investors have lost trillions of dollars, euros, pounds and yen.
Read More...In many ways the world “dodged a bullet” when it came to SARS. As bad as it was, it could have been infinitely worse.
Read More...Everyone wants to be successful, but what is success?
Read More...Throughout history there has been a cry for freedom.
Read More...The Bible reveals not only the cause of Britain’s rise, but also its decline and eventual fall.