A New Year, a New Diet? | Tomorrow's World

A New Year, a New Diet?

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Starting a new diet in a new year is an annual ritual for some and the beginning of something wonderful for others. The thought of a new year, a new body and new look is appealing and motivating. We may just want to look healthier, be healthier and live longer—and this is the year, 2013, when it all begins.

There are certainly many diets to choose from. Take a brief look at this Yahoo list of the Top 10 Searched Diets for New Year’s 2012, including: the Dr. Oz Diet, the Vegan Diet, the Cabbage Soup Diet, the Dukan Diet, the 17–Day Diet, the P.I.N.K. Method Diet, the Low—Carb Diet, the Paleo Diet (aka the Caveman Diet), the HCG Diet, and the Atkins Diet. This list, by the way does not match the list Google.com has published.

Many of these diets target specific results, the most obvious being weight loss. Other diets may be to build muscle, lower cholesterol or control blood sugar. Their approach varies as much as the name: for example, some feature low/no carbs or fat and high protein, while some eliminate processed foods, sugar and even fruit. Others advocate the consumption of large quantities of red meat and other sources of saturated fats. All claim wonderful benefits while some carry stiff warnings from health care experts. Each diet seems to have its fair share of advocates and critics. Although some of the diets sound new and revolutionary, after a little research one finds that some of the “new” names are placed on diets that have been around for decades.

Researching the best, most effective, latest greatest diet could leave us feeling overwhelmed and perhaps discouraged. There is arguably an overabundance of information to sift through as you begin the process of choosing the best diet for you.

Surely, one may ask, there must be a healthy system of eating that has been tried and proven, a diet rich in the best foods producing spectacular results. It may surprise you to learn that there is such a diet. A diet advocated and endorsed by the Creator of the heavens and the earth. Yes, the Holy Bible has the recipe for health and wellness now and for all eternity.

We would certainly benefit by following the text in Leviticus 11 and Deuteronomy 14. These chapters list specific foods that are safe to eat and those that we should avoid at all costs. The dietary laws established by God are part of the His overall way of life, which is for our good. Abiding by these laws will actually improve and prolong our lives (Deuteronomy 5:29, 33; 10:12–13).

But it does not stop there! Consider the promises given us in the New Testament. These include water so satisfying that we will never thirst, and food so filling we will never hunger (John 4:14; 6:35).

The most crucial diet we can begin this year does not involve food which perishes but is food which endures to everlasting life (John 6:27). It’s true! Christ told His disciples, His followers that He is the bread of life and whoever eats of this bread will live forever! (John 6:48, 51). Now that is a diet worth taking a bite of.

The Bible is the mind of Christ, the mind of God in print. Jesus tells us to feed on Him to feed on His word, as it leads to eternal life (John 6:52–58).

If you would like to begin the year 2013 partaking of the most phenomenal diet plan devised in the history of all creation then please order our powerful Tomorrow’s World Bible Study Course now available online or delivered to your home by mail absolutely FREE! This exciting Bible Study Course will take you through your own Bible and make plain the answers to many questions such as: why study the Bible today? Are we living in the last days? Can you understand Bible prophecy? Do not put this off—order today!