Commentary | Page 5 | Tomorrow's World


Save Us from Violence

  1. 18th September 2024
  2. Roger Meyer

“Pure evil” is how Sheriff Jud Smith described the recent school shooting in Winder, Northeast Georgia. Tragedies like these have become disturbingly frequent in American schools. Each incident is met with tearful interviews from victims’ families mourning their horrific loss, community vigils showing solidarity, and condemnations from federal, state, and local...


<Your Name Here>

  1. 14th September 2024
  2. Roger Meyer

Most of us have answered questions on various forms requiring our name and address and other personal information. Some multi-page legal documents require our signature “here,” “here,” and “here”! Our name is part of our identity.


The Bosom of Fools

  1. 11th September 2024
  2. J. Davy Crockett III

Have you observed angry, demanding people with grievances—whether real or imagined—or special interests seeking redress with threats of disruption or violence to achieve their ends? It is an ancient practice that will not end well for them. In several places, the Bible calls such individuals “fools.” For example, “It is honorable for a man to stop striving,...


Human nature is not generally supportive of seeking the truth. People are often strongly tempted to seek only like-minded opinions and “facts” supporting their ideas while dismissing facts that challenge what they want to believe. It is a trap we can all fall into. Many times I’ve heard the statement, “Well, I still think [blank] and you can’t convince me...


How Do You Fix a Broken World?

  1. 04th September 2024
  2. Rod King (1949-2019)

“If it ain’t broke, don’t fix it,” goes the old saying. It seems that some people have got to change things for the sake of change. The way they think is that if something is old, it must be wrong—and it’s their job to come up with something new. Somehow they believe that if something is new, it must be better, which of course is not always the case. Progress is...


Clinging to Life

  1. 31st August 2024
  2. J. Davy Crockett III

Nursing homes are places that I have often visited as a minister. Such visits can be a vivid reality check regarding the dramatic effects of aging. These “assisted living” and “memory care” facilities are places for men and women who have reached the point of needing care that their families, for whatever reason, are unable to give.


The “Thought Police”

  1. 28th August 2024
  2. Roger Meyer

You may have seen news stories about “mind reading” becoming technologically possible. What was once science fiction is close to becoming reality. Will doctors, law enforcement, and government agencies, assisted by such technology, soon be able to read and interpret our brain waves? Are “thought police” and mind control in our near future?


When Tomorrow Becomes Today

  1. 24th August 2024
  2. Josh Lyons

I often think of the relentlessness of time—second by second, the future turns into the past and plans become memories. Every human being equally experiences time’s unrelenting “forward march,” which is always a constant pace, with seconds, minutes, and hours marking the transition of tomorrows into todays and todays into yesterdays.


If I Were a Rich Man...

  1. 21st August 2024
  2. Brian Pomicter

What if money were no object? Who hasn’t had this question put to them by a friend or acquaintance? What would be your answer? Would you decide to travel, buy a house, or pay off your mortgage? Would you “party hearty,” or would you bank a sizable sum? Folks in our Western culture often admire others who are financially successful. However, just because someone...


Leaders to Confusion

  1. 19th August 2024
  2. Roger Meyer

Do some of the decisions made by our leaders leave you feeling befuddled and confused? We may think to ourselves, “How could any rational human being come to such strange conclusions and make such decisions?” We have leaders at many different levels, whether our nations, states, local communities, companies where we work, our schools, or other organized bodies...

