About the Living Church of God – The Church Behind This Work | Tomorrow's World

About the Living Church of God – The Church Behind This Work

About the Living Church of God – The Church Behind This Work

“And He said to them, ‘Go into all the world and preach the gospel to every creature’” (Mark 16:15).

The Living Church of God, with its international Headquarters in Charlotte, North Carolina and Regional Offices around the globe, proclaims to the world the good news of Jesus Christ’s coming Kingdom (Matthew 24:14; Mark 16:15), and blows a bold “trumpet” of God’s impending judgment, calling for repentance and spiritual change (Matthew 24:21; Isaiah 58:1; Ezekiel 33). Church members strive to practice original Christianity as taught and practiced by Jesus Christ and the original Apostles. Members believe that when Christians receive the Holy Spirit after repentance and baptism, God gives them His strength to grow in grace, knowledge, and living His way. The Church strives to:

  1. Preach the Gospel of the Kingdom and the true name of Jesus Christ.
  2. Preach the end-time prophecies and the Ezekiel warning to the Israelitish peoples.
  3. Feed the flock and build all our members to the stature of Jesus Christ as best we can.
  4. Be examples to the Church of God, and to the world, of Christ’s way of life.
  5. Learn and practice Servant Leadership in all our dealings with others.
  6. Restore Apostolic [original] Christianity and all that this implies.
  7. Build an atmosphere of radiant faith within God’s Church.

Tracing its roots to the first-century Church established on Pentecost in 31AD, the Living Church of God has members on six continents, in more than 350 local congregations, who seek to put God’s Way of life into practice in their own lives, striving to live by Jesus Christ’s example. For those without access to a local congregation, or who want to deepen their knowledge of God’s Way, the Church releases new sermons each week at LCG.org, on vital topics of Christian living and Bible prophecy. Topics have included “The Serpent’s Infomercial” and “The Work and Mission of Elijah” and “Biblical Principles of Mental and Spiritual Health.”

Church members observe the same seventh-day Sabbath their Savior kept, and gather on the annual Holy Days that He observed, and which God established for all of His “spiritual Israel”—His Church. Sermons are given in local congregations, and also made available at the Church website, www.LCG.org, on topics of Christian living, navigating the secular world around us, Church history, and Bible prophecy. For Church youth, Living Youth Programs activities provide opportunities for fellowship and growth.

Many churches call themselves Christian, but only a small handful follow their Savior in observing the seventh-day Sabbath, and even fewer observe the “annual Sabbaths”—the Holy Days that Jesus Christ, the God of the Old Testament, gave to His people in Leviticus 23 and Deuteronomy 16. The Living Church of God teaches that these Sabbaths are not an obsolete Jewish practice, but rather are a blessing God intended for all of “spiritual Israel”—called, chosen, and faithful Christians—today! Church members also follow God’s laws regarding clean and unclean meats. Where many mistakenly believe that the Old Testament was “nailed to the cross” by the New Testament, Living Church of God members understand that Jesus Christ came not to do away with His Father’s commandments, but rather to “magnify” (Isaiah 42:21; KJV) or “fulfill” them (Matthew 5:17) as practiced by Christians today. There is no longer a Temple as was present during Jesus’ time on the earth; rather, Christians are now the “temple of God” (1 Corinthians 3:16) and with the help of the Holy Spirit strive to come ever closer to emulating Christ in word and deed.

In these contentious times, which the Living Church of God understands are the “end-times” foretold in Scripture, Church members strive to be “ambassadors of the Kingdom of God” (2 Corinthians 5:20), reflecting in their conduct the example of their Savior, Jesus Christ. Living Church of God members understand themselves to be “strangers and pilgrims” in today’s world. Called to prepare for their destiny as “firstfruits” in the Kingdom of God, they understand that their citizenship is in that coming Kingdom, and as a result do not participate in partisan politics or serve on juries. They understand that Jesus Christ came to make disciples of all nations, and emphatically decry the sins of racism, intolerance, and anarchy, rejecting all forms of hateful conduct, understanding that vengeance must be left to God (Romans 12:19–21). They understand that, though Christians must strive to be good citizen and moral people, all human attempts at utopia will fail before Jesus Christ returns to establish the Kingdom of God.

To share these vital teachings from the Bible, the Church sponsors a weekly half-hour program, Tomorrow’s World, which airs on hundreds of satellite, cable, and over-the-air television stations around the globe. You can also view it online, at any time, at TomorrowsWorld.org. It also sends a magazine free of charge to several hundred thousand subscribers. You can request your own free subscription or read the magazine online.

Additionally, the Church publishes a bimonthly member magazine, the Living Church News, as a tool for Bible study and Christian living. Sample topics include: “Feast on the Bread of Life!” and “Living the Beatitudes” and “Paid in Full: The Completeness of the Price Christ Paid.” The LCG.org site also provides a Bible Study series, with topics ranging from a one-lesson primer on “Achieving Godly Success” to a 32-part audio study of the Gospel of Matthew. The Church also provides courses of study for interested students through Living Education. Courses are offered at no charge to help faithful Christians go deeper in their knowledge and practice of God’s Way.

The Church’s current Presiding Evangelist, Gerald E. Weston, was ordained into the ministry in 1971, and was ordained as an Evangelist in 2007. He continues in the tradition of his predecessor Dr. Roderick C. Meredith and their teacher Mr. Herbert W. Armstrong, who for more than half a century preached boldly a message restoring to the Church many truths that had been hidden or lost to most believers for more than a thousand years while the Church that Jesus Christ established fell victim to apostasies and schisms. Dr. Meredith was one of Mr. Armstrong’s first few students at Ambassador College, and in 1952—as a member of the college’s second graduating class—was among the first seven men to be ordained by Mr. Armstrong as an Evangelist for the Church.

As stewards of God’s tithes and the offerings of brethren and co-workers, the Church strives to conduct its financial operations to a high standard worthy of its mission. To that end, the Church undergoes an annual audit by a respected independent auditing firm, and makes the results of that audit available to those who are interested. Information is available online for the years 2015, 2016, 2017, and 2018. Audits from earlier years were reprinted in issues of the Living Church News.

To gain a more detailed understanding of Living Church of God doctrine and practice, take a look at its Statement of Fundamental Beliefs. If you would like to talk to a Living Church of God minister, with no obligation or expectations, contact the Regional Office nearest you or via the online Contact Us form.

You can also check out the LCG YouTube channel and Facebook page.